Blame Game
Professional Prowess
Financial Fitness & Accountability

When caught red-handed, this excuse is often used to deflect blame onto an animal.

What is "My dog ate my homework"?


You are late for school and your teachers asks you why?

you say: a) the bus did a backflip you made it out and walked all the way here.
b) aliens abducted you
c) you had a bad hair day, or
d) you overslept.

a lot of times when taking accountability, the answer


When faced with a mistake in the workplace, owning up to it and proposing solutions demonstrates this important attribute.

What is accountability 

If someone drops their wallet and it has all of their info and like 1$ in it. what's the best thing to do. 

What is

Return the wallet.

take the dollar then return the wallet

Max out the credit cards then return the wallet

leave the wallet where it it is at.


When in trouble, this tv character would use this phrase used to sheepishly shift responsibility away from oneself.

Steve Urkel
Family Matters character

"Did I do that ?" 


In a group project at work, if a team member fails to meet a deadline, it's important for them to take this action to show accountability.

What is communicating with the team to address the delay and take responsibility for their part?


This term refers to the practice of acknowledging one's limitations or mistakes and seeking assistance or guidance to improve.

What is Humble Accountability?


If you make $10 dollars how much of that money should you technically be saving? 

What is 20%

You should roughly be saving 20% of your money. 


This famous cartoon character is known for evading responsibility and causing chaos.

Who is Bart Simpson?
Peter Griffen
Bugs Bunny / Daffy Duck

Any variation of characters like these. 


You are at a zoo, and you accidentally bump a person into the lion enclosure. You:
a) ignore the entire situation
b) jump in and fight them off with your bare hands,
c) jump in and try to befriend the lion <3
d) call for help!

No right answer in extreme situations

But the idea is to take action! Another part of accountability is if you are in the wrong you make the move to fix it. 


When faced with a conflict or disagreement with a coworker, it's important to approach the situation with this mindset to find a resolution.

What is a Collaborative Attitude?
Peer Mediation
Conflict Resolution 


You borrow 100s from your friend, and you say that you'll have it back to them by the end of the month, what's the best way to get it back to them.

What is:
Pay them back in full on your next paycheck.

Create a repayment plan.

Pay them back in items or through trade if they are willing to accept.

all of the above.

( Debt ! ) 


You are in a group, and you say something that offends one of the group members.
They chime in and say, that what you said hurt they feelings.

What's the best way to take accountability?  

What is
A, Apologize clearly.
B, Ignore their feelings.
C, Laugh, then keep talking.
D, Ask them why they so soft?

(Impact over Intention) 


This term refers to the ability to adapt and thrive in different work environments or situations.

What is Workplace Flexibility?


This term refers to the practice of being transparent and honest about your financial decisions and actions.

What is Financial Transparency?

if you find a wallet with 1mill in it. what's the appropriate thing to do 

What is

Return the wallet.

take the money, launder the money and leave the wallet

Max out the credit cards then return the wallet

wipe the wallet clean of your fingerprints, place the wallet back where found it, and go about your wonderful day.


This crucial aspect of financial well-being, often overlooked, requires self-awareness, discipline, and consistent action. While not the sole factor, mastering it supercharges your journey to a $1 million net worth. What is it?

 What is Accountability?