When do credit card statements need to be complete and submitted by?
The 6th of the month
How does a vendor submit VPO requests?
By emailing the builder and copying the invoice email
Which screen can you go to in the ITK to review the payment status of an item?
WO/PO Status History
What do you need to do if you are notified of excessive utility costs?
Check the home for any abnormalities to include thermostat or water leaks and update the Accounting Specialist and the utility company if necessary
What information is needed for each transaction on a credit card statement?
Neighborhood/Lot, Cost Code, Brief Description and Receipt Attached
How long after a VPO Request is received does the VPO need to be created and approved?
Within 48 hours of receipt
What is the approval process if an item is over your limit?
Item is sent to ACM if under $5K and DOC if over $5K. Once approved, builder must go back to item and approve for payment.
What is the policy for using a one-time vendor?
Notify Accounting of the vendor and request a W9 and COI to be submitted prior to work beginning.
How are credit card receipts submitted?
Uploaded to the Wells Fargo portal
Which types of work do not have a VPO issued for them?
Maintenance Work (landscaping, lot mowing, cleaning done after final clean); Surveying/Engineering; Portable Toilets; Street Cleaning; Concrete Wash Out; Community/Amenity Work.
When are invoices pulled from the builder’s approval folder for processing?
Wednesdays at noon
What does a builder need to do if they are notified of a vendor whose insurance is no longer compliant?
Do not allow the trade back on the jobsite until they are cleared by Accounting
What things can a credit card be used for?
Materials/Services needed for jobsite and/or work functionality
How is a VPO created?
Enter VPO creation screen in ITK, enter details from invoice/request, attach invoice, double check details are accurate, submit request
What does a builder need to do if they receive a Open PO & WO email (60-day review)?
Reply with approval or denial on each open item. Any approved WO/POs need to be approved on ITK asap.
What should a builder do if they receive questions about payment?
If the item has been approved for payment, direct the vendor to the Accounting Dept.
Who can you contact if you have issues with the usage of your card?
Contact the Senior Accountant
What system is used to create a VPO?
What should a builder do if there are questions about approval or coding?
Contact the assigned ACM
How are check requests submitted?
Obtain check request form from Egnyte, complete and email to Accounting Specialist