Patient Safety
Client Centred Care
Q for Quality
Anything and Everything

How do we report patient safety incidents?


Risk reporting system and incident management


Who is our "voice of the patient?

Patient Experience Specialists

PEP team


What is the Good Catch Program?

Reporting near misses as an opportunity to improve quality care before harm occurs


How does BWH support a healthy work environment?

We have a Healthy Living Team

Culture of Kindness Team and initiatives

BEA awards

Support leadership training


Code Lavender

Employee engagement survey and action plans to improve


How do we meet the standards for Client Identification?

We utilize two patient identifiers

Red Rule


How do we ensure access to services in a timely and coordinated way?

Right Care in Right Service

NOW initiatives

Bed Meetings

Family meetings

Discharge Planning meetings

Tracking transfer times

Utilizing Oculys

Bullet Rounds

Coordinating flow throughout the hospital


How do we demonstrate our commitment to Patient and family centred care?

My promise to Emily

In our Strategic Priorities- Exceptional Relationships

Patient Experience is a part of our QIP

Patient Experience is on every scorecard and monitored

Patient engagement surveys


How does BWH monitor Quality Improvement?

Lean training

Kaizen events for Time to Inpatient Bed

NOW initiative

QCR Recommended actions

Risk Report incident managment

Time trials

Audits of processes- i.e. SBAR utilization at CEEH


How does BWH promote a safe work environment?

Risk Assessments done across the organization

Supports training- NVCI and GPA

Workplace Violence is on our QIP

Risk reporting system and incident management


How do we meet the standards for the safe surgery checklist?

Three phase checklist used for surgical procedures

Used for every procedure

Monitor compliance


How do we monitor patient safety across the organization?

Indicators on scorecards

Scorecards monitored at the program level, committee level and Board level

Quality Care Review reports

Recommended actions from QCR brought to QPEC and Board Quality 

Risk reporting system and incident management


What are some examples of how the PEPs are utilized to demonstrate that we seek input from clients and families?

PEPs on councils, committees

PEPs rounding

PEP team meetings

PEPs review every document that the patients will receive

PEPs involved in service change focus groups- NOW initiative, kaizen event for bed management


How does BWH monitor Quality?

Quality is a standing agenda item for the Board

Imbedded in our strategic plan

Indicators related to quality on every scorecard

Scorecards monitored at every committee

Hand-hygiene audits

Monitoring P4R metrics

QIP process


How do we ensure that services we deliver are made according to the organizations values?

We have a values statement

The value statement is visible, communicated and utilized in making decisions

The value statement is reviewed by the Board


How do we meet the standards for workplace violence prevention?

WPV policy

WPV reporting system

Risk assessments

Investigation and response to incidents

Number of incidents are reported to the Quality Board 


What are some quality improvements that have been made to improve patient safety?

Red Rule- Two patient identification

Blood Transfusion process

Identifying patients at risk for falls

Hand-hygiene audits

Safe Surgery Checklist

Do Not Use abbreviations list

Infusion Pump Guardrails


How do we involve patients in planning and preparing for transitions to another service?

Information collected from patient is utilized on the SBAR and communicated during transitions of care

Discharge planning meetings

Updating the patients whiteboard with information about discharge date and needs

Arranging follow up for the patient

Faxing information to the patients pharmacy on discharge

Teach back of information

Discharge documentation shared with client


What resource allocations show our commitment to Quality?

Roles managing quality - Director, Manager

Risk Reporting System and management

NOW initiative

Patient Experience Specialist


How do we plan services to meet the needs of the community?

We have an Indigenous Navigator

Shared Mental Health programs

Petrolia redevelopment planning

ALC avoidance community events

Health Quality Partners - community transitions work

We meet with our partners

We partner in services with our partners- Community Paramedic Program

What are our strategies for overcrowding in the ED?

Bed Management Policy

NOW initiatives

Daily bed meetings

Additional bed meetings based on levels in the hospital

Admission avoidance in the ED

Zones in the ED to increase flow

Utilizing Oculys


How do we disclose a patient safety incident?

There is a disclosure policy. 

Usually involves the MRP

It is documented in the patients chart

We have a documentation tool to utilize

Follow up after QCR's includes letting the patient know about the recommended actions for improvement


Do we have a process to acknowledge concerns from the patient?

Feedback Reporting System

Commitment to acknowledge a complaint within 3-5 business days of receiving the complaint

Patient Experience Specialist

Indigenous Navigator

PEP rounding with CNE

Patient engagement survey


Based on data collected or indicators monitored, what quality improvements have you implemented in your area?

Various answers but could include

Time to Inpatient bed initiatives

Collaborative Model of Care

ED Zone Changes

Acudose medication delivery 

Blood Transfusion Process

Red Rule


How does BWH make ethical decisions?

We have an Ethical Framework

Policy, pocket tool to follow

Ethics Committee reviews dilemmas brought forward


Board utilizes ethical framework to guide decision making and resource allocations


What are the things proactively that we do to reduce the risk of health care associated infections? (4 things)

Hand hygiene compliance

Hand hygiene education 

Tracking outbreaks and sharing throughout the organization

Process for cleaning, disinfecting and sterilizing medical devices