November 1973, Australia
When and Where was AC/DC created?
1970 Birmingham
When and where was ELO formed?
What is the amount of different people that AC/DC has had in their band
"30 knees, thunder sheep"
What is "Dirty Deeds, Dirt Done cheap" from "Dirty Deeds done Dirt Cheap?"
Angus Young, Malcolm Young, Dave Evans, Larry Van Kriedt, Colin Burgess
Who are the original members of AC/DC
Jeff Lynne, Roy wood, Bev Bevan
Who are the first original member of ELO?
What is The different amount of ELO members?
"Get loose, rubber moose"
"what is Get loose, from the noose" from "Back in Black?"
"Can I Sit Next to You, Girl?"
What is AC/DC first single?
ELO is also known as
Jeff Lynns Electric light Orchestra
AC/DC sold 22 million albums of this
What is Back in Black?
"Angry Jews on Sinai"
What is "Concrete shoes, cyanide" from "Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap"
Became lead singer after leaving Guns and Roses
Who is Axl Rose
The emoji movie featured this song in their trailer
What is Don't Bring me Down?
What Is the amount of Number 1's Both bands had?
"It's a long way to the shop, if you want a sausage roll"
What is "It's a long way to the top, if you want to rock and roll" from "It's a Long Way to the Top"
From Those About to Rock, We Salute You
What is AC/DC first number one album in the U.S.?
This is the most popular song by ELO
What is "Mr. Blue Sky"?
Over 22 films
What is how many times "Mr. Blue sky" has been used in a movie
Pee in tea, Kid dynamite
What is "I'm T.N.T, I'm dynamite"