Don't Forget!
You Need to Find What?
The Right Stuff!
Resources, Resources!
Should I AI That?

What should you do if you receive an Outlook meeting invitation?

Respond right away!


Where can you find resources for submitting assignments and uploading Studio videos in Canvas?

The Technology Resources for Students web page


When do you fill out the “Tutor Summary Report?”

After the appointment has ended and before the next session


An ITP 100 student looking for course resources can go to this webpage on the ACE website to find them.

IST Course Resource webpage


What must students read before using GenAI for coursework?

The instructors’ GenAI policy


Where do you go to fill out an incident report for any behaviors of concern involving Germanna Community College students?



It’s time to sign your timesheet! Where do you find the Google Survey to report your hours?

The link to the survey is always the same and is emailed every Friday to ACE staff email accounts. Timesheets are due the following Wednesday at 12:00 pm.


How should you contact the Academic Center for Excellence if you are sick and cannot work your scheduled shift?

  • Contact the Tutor Coordinator, Carrie Doyne, by phone.

  • You can send an email, but make sure you speak to a staff member immediately to confirm that he or she received it.


When ACE is closed, where can students still receive 24-hour online tutoring?



Give two examples of questions to ask when evaluating GenAI output.

  • How does it sound? 

  • Is the language repetitive? 

  • Does it make sense?

  •  Is it logical? 

  • Do I need to cite it? 

  • Is it common knowledge? 

  • Is it accurate?

  •  Is this my voice?

  •  Does it show what I’ve learned?


Why is it important to communicate to students that appointments are 50 minutes in length?

  • To allow yourself and the student time to wrap up and finish paperwork (evaluation, schedule another appointment)

  • To refer the student to additional resources that can help him/her (website/handouts, etc.)

  • So the next appointment begins on time. 

  • Take a break

  • Time to fill out survey


Where can you read past Navigate Appointment Summaries on a student?

The “Appointments” tab of the student profile.


When a student comes to the Academic Center for Excellence for the first time each semester, what Google form should he or she fill out?

The Client Contract 


A student’s computer is broken, and he feels like he will now have to drop his classes. What are two resources available to help the student?

  • Germanna’s Library Laptop Loaner Program

  • Germanna Cares


Name the three steps for writing an effective GenAI prompt.

  • Background information

  • Clear instructions

  • Critical thinking


Name 3 ways students can access ACE Online.

  • From the “ACE Tutoring Services" link in each of their Canvas course shells

  • From the "Online Math Center" link on the ACE Math Course Resources web page

  • From the "Online Writing Center" link on the ACE Writing Resources web page

  • From the appointment confirmation email sent to them after a tutoring appointment is made in DaySmart


Where can you find the Navigate Appointment Summary of a session if it is closed before you can fill it out?

The Reporting section of the “Appointments” tab on your Staff Home page.


When is it okay to give a student another tutor’s personal information—phone number, email, or schedule?



List 3 resources for helping ELL students.

Common Adjective and Adverb Errors, Guide to English Grammar, Possessives, Prepositions, Spelling Noun Plurals, Subject/Verb Agreement, Use of Articles, Use of Prepositions, Verb Tenses, Verbals, English Conversation Group, "Dangling and Misplaced Modifiers" video, and "Dependent and Independent Clauses" video.


On which ACE resource can students find examples of how to cite GenAI content in all citation styles?

Generative AI Citation Guide


Who should students email if they are in need of necessities such as food, clothing, and technology?

  • Germanna Cares



Go here to find all ACE documents and resources for tutoring both on-campus and online.

  • Zoom Virtual Tutoring Files Folder in Google Drive

  • ACE Resource Manual

  • ACE Flash Drive


Why is it important to log students who visit the Math and Writing Centers on the “Math and Writing Center Sign-Out Sheet” when tutoring in ACE Online?

To ensure that the students are signed out of the database correctly if they leave the office without stopping by the virtual front desk.


How are course specific resources organized on the “Math Course Resources” webpage?

  • By course

  • Review Topics

  • Course Essentials


 In which of the three citation styles does the citation begin with the prompt itself instead of an author or model creator?