Important Principles for the Reading Teacher
Ongoing Assessments
Assessing Reading Strengths & Weaknesses
Characteristics of Tests
Assessment should always drive instruction
What is a child's reading program should always be based on his or her strengths and weaknesses as determined by assessment and analysis?
Running Records
What are annotated copies with miscues and other reading behaviors noted?
Formative Evaluation
What is continuous and is used to improve instruction?
What is the measure of how stable test scores are?
Time in student teaching
What is 13 weeks or 65 days?
Begin the reading instruction at the child's present level and move forward from there
What is it is important to present and practice reading skills at the child's independent or high instructional levels so that he or she can experience as much success as possible?
Informal Reading Inventory
What is given at the beginning of the year; shows oral and silent reading rates, oral reading accuracy, types of miscues that occurred and comprehension after oral and silent reading of passages at successive grade levels?
Summative Evaluation
What is takes place near the end of a predetermined period of time, evaliates the effectiveness of instruction?
What is the students' rank order would remain very similar from one test to another; uses the test-retest method?
Field Experience hours
What are 100 hours?
Use a variety of motivating reading strategies, materials reproducibles and games
What is the best way to improve reading skills is to read?
Observation Records
What are notes taken while the student is working in a variety learning situations?
Authentic Assessment
What is usually informal, it is often more useful than are standardized tests; these type of assessment procedures normally reflect the actual instruction activities in the classroom?
Internal Consistency
What is the degree to which items within a test are related?
ESL,LEP, or Bilungual Students
What are students who speak English as a second language; they make up the most rapidly expanding population in North American schools?
Emphasize both "real reading" materials and reading skills instruction both in and out of context
What are informational books, children's magazines, children's newspapers, Internet materials?
Cloze procedures
What are reading passages with words systematically deleted and replaced by blanks to be filled in by the reader?
Raw score Percentile rank Stanine
What is the total number of correct answers? What is point on a scale from 1 to 99 that indicates the number of students who received an equal or lower score? What is the point on a nine-point scale with 5 being average?
What are alternate forms that are used for pretesting and posttesting; must be highly equivalent if the scores are to be useful?
Special Needs Students
What is reading teachers must have a deep belief in the worth of students, have an accpeting attitude toward them and their unique characteristics and give them unqualified support?
Use extrinsic rewards and behavior modification when appropriate
What is reading for information and pleasure should be its own reward; they are not ideal but they may be necessary until reading itself provides the necessary reward?
What is contains work samples that the student and teacher chose; show the student's progress and what he or she is learning and their growth?
Criterion-Referenced Assessment
What is type of authentic assessment;formal measures designed to focus on a child's mastery of a specific reading skill or skills; benchmarks and rubris are used to assess?
What is measuring what was supposed to be measured?
Bell Curve
What is the distribution of scores as a visual representation of a group's performance on a given test?