Red Flag
Special Test

A patient presents with dyspnea, tachypnea, and tachycardia. What red flag condition is likely present?

Pulmonary Embolism


What are the 3 main nerves we are concerned with in the upper extremity?

What is median, ulnar, radial

Pain in upper back between shoulders
Diffuse and vague symptoms
Likely worse with flexion of the head/spine/trunk
Worse with valsalva

What is Cervical Disc Pathology


(+) Sulcus Sign
(+) Jerk Test
(+) Anterior Apprehension Relocation

What is shoulder instability


What risk factors increase the risk for a myocardial infarction?

What is
-Men over 40
-Women over 50
-Previous Hx of coronary artery disease
-Elevated blood serum cholesterol (>240)


What are the common entrapment sites for the ulnar nerve?

What is arcade of struthers, cubital tunnel, flexor carpi ulnaris, guyon's cannal, pisohammate ligamate 

History of fall or motor vehicle crash
History of osteoporosis
Prolonged steroid use
Age over 70
Loss of function or mobility

What is Spinal Fracture


(+) thoracic quadrant test
(+) joint mobility assessment
(-) sternocostal joint
(-)  ULNT
(+) thoracic ROM

What is Thoracic Facet Dysfunction/ Stiffness

A patient presents with a headache, fever, and N/V. What red flag condition is likely present?

What is Meningitis


What are the myotomes for C1-C8

What is
-C1/C2 Cervical flexion
-C3 cervical side flexion
-C4 shoulder elevation
-C5 shoulder abduction
-C6 wrist flexion
-C7 elbow extension
-C8 finger flexion


Stiffness, pain in the region and with turning head ir elevating (abducting) the arm on the involved side
Limited or blocked contralateral cervical spine flexion

What is 1st Rib Dysfunction


(+) painful arc end range
(-) hawkins kennedy
(+) AC shear test
(+) horizontal adduction

AC joint injury


What are the symptoms of vertebral basilar artery insufficiency? 

What is drop attack, dizziness, dysphasia,, dysarthria, diplopia, nausea, numbness, nystagmus


What are the steps to bias the median nerve in the ULNT?

Scapular depression, elbow extension, shoulder external rotation, wrist extension and supination, shoulder abduction


History of dislocation or chronic dislocations
Congenital joint laxity or risk of dislocation
Weakness and not trusting involved shoulder
RTC and scapular muscle weakness

What is shoulder instability

(+) super cervical rotation ROM
(-) lower cervical gross ROM
(-) spurlings test
(+) Deep neck flexor endurance
(+) cervical flexion rotation test

What is Cervicogenic Headache


During a subjective history, a patient reveals that they were recently in a motor vehicle accident, what red flag condition(s) are you worried could be present?

What is cervical fracture

What is a positive sign for the passive neck flexion test

What is reproduction of back pain


Pain in anterior and lateral shoulder
Pain with overhead activities or with heavy use

What is Subacromial Pain syndrome

Major trauma such as MVA or a fall from a height with associated immediate onset of neck pain
Rheumatoid arthritis or Down syndrome

What is cervical fracture or ligamentous instability