What kind of voice should you use in the library?
A quiet inside voice.
What do you do if you're not finished with your book by the time it is due?
Renew it.
How do I check out or return my library books?
Check out books at the circulation desk and return books to the drop box.
What are the two main types of books in our library?
Fiction and nonfiction.
What are the three R's of the library?
Respect, Responsibility and Return.
Who is your librarian?
Ms. Warmsley
How long do you get to keep your books?
One week.
How do I treat the librarian and all adults in the library?
With respect and courtesy.
How can we tell if a book is a Fiction book ?
It will have 'F' on the spine followed by the first 3 letters of the author's last name.
When searching for a book to check out, what should you use in place of the book on the shelf?
A shelf marker.
How should you enter the library?
What should I do once I am finished checking out my book?
Sit on the carpet or table and read quietly.
What do you do when you enter the library?
Go to your assigned seat at the table and wait quiety for the librarian to begin.
How can we tell if a book in our library is a
Non-Fiction book?
It will have a Dewey Decimal System number and then the first 3 letters of the author's last name.
When is the library open to students?
During your weekly class library time.
Where do you go once you have entered the library?
To the tables and sit in your assigned seat.
Where do I put books if I don't know where they belong?
Book return.
What do you do if you lost your library book?
Look around your house and classroom, then come talk to Ms. Warmsley.
What is the biography section?
This is the section in the library with books about real people's lives.
What should I not be doing in the library?
Eating food or drinking
Loud voices
Being rude to Ms. Warmsley, other adults or students.
How many books can I check out?
One for k-2
Two for 3-5
How do I find books in the library?
By the call number.
What if I forgot my book(s)?
Drop it in the drop box as soon as possible.
What is the name of the systerm we use to organize the non-fiction books in th library.
The Dewey Decimal System.
What do we do if the fire alarm rings?
Line up quietly at the door.
No talking, then walk and exit the building.