What are the Cadet Core Values?
Integrity, Volunteer Service, Excellence, and Respect
What to do with your feet?
45 Degree angle between the feet
What is a Wingman?
A trusted person to watch your back
What are Hazards?
A source of danger
What is the Cadet Honor Code?
The CAP's honor code states that cadets will not lie, cheat, steal, or tolerate those who do.
What to do with your eyes?
Staring 5 degrees above horizon (NO EYE CONTACT!)
What are Physical components of being a wingman?
Staying physically safe
Checking each other’s uniform
Drinking water
Helping each other during PT
Noticing if they’re hurt and getting help
When is knock it off used?
Used at any time to have everyone stop what they are doing if you think someone could soon get hurt.
What is your Cadet Motto?
Semper Vigilans
What to do with your movements?
No movements except breathing
What are Mental components of being a wingman?
Thinking through problems with the Core Values in mind
Making sure you both follow your leader’s instructions
Staying optimistic and encouraging one another to earn promotions
Calling for help if your wingman seems depressed, angry, or sad, especially if for no apparent good reason
What is the two deep rule (concerning events)?
Most cadet activities require two adults. If your wingman is asked to attend an event with just one senior member supervisor, that’s odd, and you should talk with someone.
What is the Insignia Placement?
One inch from and parallel to the front edge of the collar and centered
What to do with your hands?
Sign language A, flat thumbs outside of fists, down the seam of your pants
What are Social components of being a wingman?
Making friends, getting along, fitting in
Checking out each other’s Facebook and being smart online
Telling any trusted adult if you think someone is hurting your wingman or being creepy around him or her
Being a positive, drug-free role model for your wingman
Reminding each other of upcoming activities, helping with carpools
What is the rule when traveling by car with senior members?
Traveling by car, there’s a “rule of three.” If only one adult is in the car, there needs to be two cadets. If your wingman is in a one-on-one situation with a senior member (except for family), that’s odd, and you should tell someone.
What is your Cadet Oath?
I pledge to serve faithfully in the CAP Cadet Program, and that I will attend meetings regularly, participate actively in unit activities, obey my officers, wear my uniform properly, and advance my education and training rapidly to prepare myself to be of service to my community, state, and nation.
What to do with your shoulders?
Good posture, roll up and back and down for perfect shoulders.
What is the rule with Texting/Private messages with senior members?
With texting, private messages, emails, and stuff like that, the “rule of three” also applies, just like in a car. If your wingman gets a lot of private texts or private emails from a senior member and nobody else is copied on those messages, that’s odd, and you should tell someone. “Wall” posts to Facebook are okay because everyone sees those – they’re not private.