Generate or absorb HCO2 ions
what is the role of the kidneys in acid base
Always due to inadequate _____ of CO2 with inadequate _____
what is excretion & ventilation
Most common cause
what is anxiety
Body will compensate by
what is increasing RR
ABGs reveal
what is pH elevation
Act quickly to prevent major changes in pH – remove or release H+
what are buffer systems in acid base
Acute respiratory dz, pulmonary edema, chest trauma, hypoventilation, atelectasis, emphysema, bronchial asthma, COPD, pneumothorax, CF, CNS depression, Neuromuscular disease’s giving too much O2 to a client with chronic hypercapnia
what are risk factors for RA
Always caused by ____ - which causes low carbonic acid concentration in plasma
what is hyperventilation
Diarrhea, diabetes, DKA, excessive intake of acids, parenteral nutrition, renal failure, excessive infusion of chloride containing IV fluids, starvational ketoacidosis
what are risk factors for MA
Lungs will compensate by ____
what is hypoventilation
Proteins, organic, and inorganic phosphates, and hemoglobin
what are intracellular buffer systems
Warm flushed skin, altered mental status, v-fib, decreased LOC, n/v, drowsiness, coma, dull headache, hyperkalemia
what are S/S of RA
Lightheadedness, rapid breathing, dizziness, anxiety, panic, Tinnitus, paresthesia, tetany, blurred vision, hypokalemia, hypocalcemia, ventricular and atrial dysthymias – palpations
what are S/S of RA
Treatment for MA
what is to give bicarbonate cautiously, monitor serum K+ levels, eliminate excessive chloride intake, hemo/peritoneal dialysis
Excessive alkali ingestion from antacids with bicarbonate (baking soda), use of bicarb in CPR, external drainage of gastric fluids (NG), CF, hypokalemia, significant potassium depletion, GI issues, pyloric stenosis
what are the risk factors for MA
Reverses metabolic acidosis or alkalosis by increasing or decreasing
what is RR
Can be cause of the acidosis or can be used to correct it
what is mechanical ventilation
Severe RA slows
what is calcium ionization
Deep, regular, and rapid respirations
(a S/S)
what are Kussmaul’s respirations
Administer ___ to restore normal fluid volume
what is NS (use isotonic fluids)
The adult should excrete __ to __ L of urine every day
what is 1.5-2L
Increased ICP, cyanosis, tachypnea, kidneys stimulate H+ secretion and HCO3 absorption
what happens if PaCO2 increases rapidly
If the cause is anxiety – tx? (nonpharmacologic & pharmacologic)
what is the breathe slower into a closed system like a paper bag (this will cause accumulation of CO2) (OR sedatives – antianxiety medications)
Respiratory compensation through ____
what is hyperventilation (attempting to “blow-off” the acid (CO2))
Maintain chloride levels so kidneys can absorb ____ and excrete ____
what is sodium and HCO3