Fluid + Electrolytes
Think Acid Base Nclex
Acid Base + Some
Name That Imbalance

Disease of which of the following structures is most likely to affect electrolyte reabsorption?

A. Bladder
B. Glomerulus
C. Renal Tubules
D. Renal Pelvis 

Renal Tubules


A 31 year old client is admitted to the hospital with respiratory failure. He's intubated in the emergency department, placed on 100% FIO2, and is coughing up copious secretions. Which of the following interventions has priority?
A. Get a X Ray
B. Obtain a ABG
C. Restrain the client
D. Suction the client

D. Suction the Client


A client admitted with hypoparathyroidism is being monitored for hypocalcemia. What two tests could the nurse perform to distinguish hypocalcemia?




You come into your patient's room who is hyperventilating and stating she is so upset because she saw on Snapchat a video of her boyfriend at a party dancing with other girls. She proceeds to pull her IV out and state I got to get out of here and get to him RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!

Name that Imbalance :D

Respiratory Alkalosis


A patient with heart failure is given furosemide 40mg IV daily. The morning serum potassium level is 2.8. Which of the following actions is the most appropriate

A. Question the physician about the dosage.
B. Give 20mg of the ordered dose and recheck the laboratory test results.
C. Notify the physician, repeat the potassium as ordered, then give the furosemide.
4. Give the furosemide and get an order for sodium polystyrene sulfonate.

C. Notify the physician, repeat the potassium as ordered, then give the furosemide.


Daniel who is a marathon runner is at high risk for fluid volume deficit. Which one of the following is a related factor?

A. Decreased Diruesis
B. Increased Water intake
C. Increased breathing
D. Increased breathing & Perspiration 

D. Increased Breathing and perspiration


oxicity from the following mediations may cause the client to see a green halo around lights:
A. Furosemide
B. Metoprolol
C. Digoxin
D. Enalopril



Which finding would support the diagnosis of respiratory acidosis?
A. Vomiting
B. Hyperventilation
C. Pneumonia
D. Increase in noncarbonic acids

C. Pneumonia


You work in a long-term care facility and your patient has been experiencing diarrhea for most of your shift and refusing to eat or drink. You have given him two PRN orders of Diphenoxylate but not much relief.

He is starting to be very confused and weak. You call the provider and worry he may be experiencing what acid-base imbalance

Metabolic Acidosis


What is the primary reason for administering morphine to a client with a myocardial infarction?
A. To Sedate the client
B. To Decrease the client's anxiety
C. To decrease clients pain
D. To decrease oxygen demand on the client's heart.

D. To decrease oxygen demand on the client's heart.


Annaliza has a nursing diagnosis of fluid volume deficit. Which one of the following medications could potentially exacerbate the problem?

A. Levothyroxine
B. Hydrochlorothiazide
C. Novolin R
D. Acetaminophen 

B. Hydrochlorothiazide


Stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system produces which of the following responses:
A. Decreased myocardial contractility
B. Tachycardia
C. Bradycardia
D. Hypotension

B. Tachycardia


Which patient is most prone to metabolic alkalosis? A patient with:
A. Retention of metabolic acids
B. Hyperaldosteronism
C. Excessive loss of Chlorine (CL)
D. Hyperventilation

C. Excessive loss of chlorine


I am an acid-base imbalance resulting from losses within the stomach. I am a result of vomiting or too much gastric suctioning. You better be careful with me or I can also cause hypokalemia. YIKES!!

Metabolic Alkalosis


Which of the following oral medicatoins is administered to prevent further thrombus formation?
A. Heparin
B. Warfarin
C. Furosemide
D. Metoprolol

B. Warfarin


A patient's calcium level is 6.9. Which of the following is a nursing priority?

A. Initiate seizure precautions

B. Educate patient about foods rich in calcium

C. Administer Calcitonin

D. Administer Vitamin D supplements as ordered

A. Seizure Precautions


Which of the following clients is at great risk for developing respiratory alkalosis?
A. A client with Diabetes
B. A client in labor
C. A client with renal failure
D. A immediate postoperative client

B. A client in labor


Which of the following ABG's results is typical for a client with emphysema?
A. PH7.52 PaCO2 18 HCO3 22
B. PH 7.50 PaCO2 38 HCO3 38
C. PH 7.30 PaCO2 52 HCO3 30
D. PH 7.30 PaCO2 40 HCO3 1

C. PH 7.30
    PaCO2 52
    HC03 30


Signs and symptoms of this imbalance is sleepiness, change in mental alertness, difficulty breathing, respiratory Depression

Respiratory Acidosis


Name the generic name of:




Mr. Miyazaki who is diagnosed of bipolar disorder has been drinking copious amounts of water and voiding frequently. The patient is experiencing muscle cramps, twitching, and is reporting dizziness. the nurse checks lab work for:

Electrolytes, particularly Calcium

electrolytes, particularly the serum sodium

urine analysis, particularly for the presence of white blood cells

EEG results for seizure activity

electrolytes, particularly the serum sodium


The Pa02 of a client with asthma gives information on which of the following factors?

A. Respiratory Status
B. Degree of Dyspnea
C. Efficiency of gas exchange
D. Effectiveness of ventilation

C. Efficiency of gas exchange


A client complaining of paint 1 day after abdominal surgery. The nurse gives meperidine I.M. and 30 minutes later finds the respiratory rate at 8 breaths per minute with the nasal cannula on the floor. 

ABG results are:
PH 7.23
Paco2 61
HC03 24

Which of the following factors contributes to the client's ABG results?
A. Abdominal surgery, Pain, Merperidine
B. Merperidine, nasal cannula on the floor, abdominal surgery
C. Merperidine, Respiratory rate 8, nasal cannula on the floor
D. Pain, respiratory rate of 8, nasal cannula on the floo

Merperidine, Respiratory Rate of 8, nasal cannula on the floor


A person who compensates with this acid-base imbalance has Kussmaul's respirations - deep rapid breathing to blow off some of the acids

Metabolic Acidosis


What is the generic name for the drug levofloxacin
