The writing format and guidelines used by journalists and PR professionals to ensure consistency and clarity in news writing.
AP Style
One square mile is how many acres?
640 acres
A sentence can be as short as _________ word(s).
Invented in the mid 1800s and used to structure news writing
inverted pyramid
How many steers are born each year in the U.S.?
none, they are all bulls
The opening paragraph of a press release, summarizing the most important information.
The Tarleton Alumni Rodeo was _________ over the weekend due to weather damage from Saturday morning's storm. (Must SPELL the word.)
When it comes to writing and length, what is your friend?
The three parts of the writing structure used in news writing.
lead, body, tail
What is the name of a castrated pig? Spell it.
The line at the beginning of a press release that indicates the city and date of the news announcement.
The candy that "melts in your mouth, not in your hands." Spell it.
You should aim for writing at what grade level?
What is the average sentence length in words that we should strive for?
18-22 words
What breed of livestock can be cattle and swine?
Standardized paragraph at the end of a press release that provides background information about the issuing company or organization.
Type of playground entertainment that spins in a circle many times. Spell it.
What attribution should you use in news writing?
What number is always spelled out?
Most common breed of show goat. Spell it, including proper punctuation.
Boer goat
The strategic communication process of building and maintaining relationships with journalists and media outlets.
media relations
Yellow sticky notes used to leave messages for people or reminders for yourself. Spell it.
What sentence structure should be used to avoid backing into a sentence and passive tone?
subject, verb, object order
What AP Style entry provides information on correctly on using Dr. in academia as well as punctuating bachelor's, etc. degrees.
academic degrees
What is another term for the offspring of an animal?