A light black racing dog is what? Spell it
gray greyhound
Hard 8, Risky's, and Texas are known for this type of food. Spell it.
Poker game commonly played in the Lone Star State. Spell it.
Texas Hold 'em
What grade level do the majority of Americans prefer to read at?
10th grade or below
How long should paragraphs be?
no more than 2-3 sentences
Passive voice usually uses variations of what two words?
to be
Droopy skin fold hanging from the throat and chest area of some animals
Describes a horse that does not want to leave or return to its barn area.
barn sour
Jewish Festival of Lights, usually occurs in December but sometimes falls in late November.
The substitution of a mild, indirect, or vague expression for one thought to be offensive, harsh, or blunt.
T/F - AP Stye recommends starting sentences with numbers.
Punctuation goes where when quoting something?
inside quotation marks
A pill-administering instrument that is inserted down an animal's throat
balling gun or bolus gun
Administering a lethal dose of this to euthanize an animal. Spell it.
Official name for person who makes dictionaries
What is one exception to the length guideline?
How do we refer to someone on second reference (typically)?
What is your most frustrating friend?
Point where grease is inserted into bearings and other machinery parts
Foolish or exaggerated talk, not the lunch meat. Spell it.
Several breeds of beef with intense marbling
Vaguely, slightly, very are known as what?
vague qualifiers or weasel words
What is the typical length of most newsletter/press release stories?
less than 500 words
What is the best way to engage the reader? (two parts)
Get to the point...
And stay there.
What is a young hog, usually less than a year old called? (Not piglet)
A shoat or shote
A unit of dry measure equal to 4 pecks or 32 dry quarts.
Brand name for a slow cooker (not an Insta Pot)
What is the main enemy of a clear, brief, and purposeful writing style
One trillion dollars would cover what?
An entire football field
What two authors were discussed in in the recorded lecture as whose works are becoming unreadable over time?
Geoffrey Chaucer