What type of oil do we use?
What are the ingredients of a thunderstorm? Are they more likely found in low pressure or high pressure systems and why?
Moisture, uplifting action, unstable air
Within the two categories of airspace, there are three specific types:
Controlled, uncontrolled, special use
Describe each turning tendency.
Torque- as the propeller spins clockwise, the airplane experiences a rotating force in the opposite direction, in this case that means the airplane wants to roll left. Torque increases with an increased power.
Spiraling slipstream- the propeller creates spiral of air that spins about the airplane eventually contacting the left side of the rudder. Causing a yawing motion to the left.
P-Factor- in a climb, the descending blade has a higher angle of attack, which means it creates more lift. And that the aircraft to the left. This is noticeable at high-power settings with a nose, high attitude.
Gyroscopic procession- procession means that a force applied to a gyroscope is felt 90° ahead in the direction of rotation. In a climb, the force is applied to the bottom of the propeller and since the propeller is spinning clockwise, that force is felt 90° to the right.
What are the VFR cruising altitudes based upon?
BONUS (100 Points): What Altitude does this start at?
VFR Cruising Altitudes are based on *Magnetic Course*
What type of brakes do we have?
BONUS (Extra 100 points) What brand are they?
Hydraulically actuated disc brakes
Cleveland brand
What are the 3 types of structural icing?
Clear, Rime, Mixed
Class C airspace is generally airspace from the surface to ________ above the airport elevation.
4,000 ft
Tower advised “caution, wake turbulence” what does that mean, and what do you do?
This means that the aircraft has created wingtip vortices. The high and low pressure flowing off of the wings have tried to equalize, creating swirling tunnels of wind that flow down, out and away from the wing tips.
These vertices are at their worst when the airplane is heavy, clean and slow
To avoid these on takeoff or landing “fly within the bowl” And when using parallel runways, keep an eye on large departing aircraft who’s wingtip vortices can be pushed onto your runway
What 3 things constitutes a complex airplane?
Retractable landing gear, flaps, controllable pitch prop
Your alternator fails, what indications will appear prior to getting CAS message?
Alternator Amps reads 0, dimmed PFD/MFD, battery amps reads negative, Volts reads 24, and Red CAS message.
How does radiation fog form?
BONUS (Extra 100 points)- What are the other 5 types of fog?
When the earth's surface cools at night, causing the air near the ground to reach saturation and form fog
Advection, ice, upslope, precipitation induced, steam
MOAs are established for the purpose of separating certain military traffic from:
Instrument flight rules traffic
How is our plane built to combat adverse yaw?
BONUS (Extra 100 points)- What is another way manufacturers
It has differential ailerons, meaning the upward deflection is 25° and the downward deflection is 12.5°.
The greater deflection angle of the aileron on the descending wing also induces drag, which has the effect of balancing most of the lift induced drag of the ascending wing.
You're flying over a city. You need to remain 1000' above the highest obstacle within what radius of you?
2,000 ft
How many LRU’s are there, and what are they?
PFD, MFD, Audio Panel, ADC, AHRS, Magnetometer, Integrated Av 1&2, X-ponder, EAU
What is the significance of the anvil top of a cumulonimbus cloud?
It can throw hail, also usually tells which direction the storm is heading.
What are the reasons a TFR may be issued?
VIP, Air shows, Natural Disasters, space mission, sporting event.
What is Vg, and how is it calculated?
Best Glide speed, it is calculated by finding where induced drag and parasitic drag are equal.
Why do the regulations increase VFR visibility above 10,000’ MSL to 5sm instead of 3sm?
Because below 10,000’ MSL, the prescribed airspeed limit is 250kts. It increases to Mach1 at and above this altitude.
Explain what anti-servo means.
- Provides a counteracting force that moves against the stabilator
- Reduces sensitivity of the horizontal stabilator
- Moves in the same direction as the stabilator, but more pronounced
You encounter a microburst, what instrument will change drastically and what should you do?
ASI, due to up/downdrafts. If you suspect you are in windshear, apply power and slowly pitch up. While doing so, keep the wings steady. Your main focus is to not hit the ground, so avoid pitching down.
You're flying in the mountains at 12,500 feet MSL, and you're 1,100 AGL in Class G airspace. What is the minimum required visibility during the day?
1 sm
Why do airlines offer cheaper tickets at the back of the plane than toward the front?
CG characteristics. Aft CG allows for better cruise speed and less fuel burn Due to less tail down force required.
The side window is cracked, can you replace it? Why or why not? Where would you look?
YES! Appendix A Part 43 (C)(13)