When we choose to trust God.
(Para 5)
How do we act in faith?
We seek the help of __________________ in order to see things as the Lord sees them.
(Para 8)
The Holy Ghost
The light of Christ, the Holy Ghost, the scriptures, parents, and Church leaders.
(Para 11)
What are examples of divinely appointed sources?
Sources through which [the Lord] reveals truth and guidance to His children.
______________ is the source of all truth.
(para 1.)
God is the source of all truth.
1. act in faith
2. examine concepts and questions with an eternal perspective
3. seek further understanding through divinely appointed sources
What are 3 principles of acquiring spiritual knowledge?
“hold fast to what you already know and stand strong until additional knowledge comes”
(Par 6 Jeffrey R Holland)
When those moments come and issues surface, the resolution of which is not immediately forthcoming
This allows us to _______________ (to see the question differently) and view ideas based on the Lord’s standard of truth rather than accepting the world’s premises or assumptions.
(para 8)
reframe the question
“—are a vital source of truth.”
(Para 11)
The First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles—the Lord’s prophets upon the earth today—
Heavenly Father loves us and wants us to become like him by…
(D&C 88:118)
(para 1)
“Seek learning, even by study and also by faith.”
it is helpful to remember that although Heavenly Father has revealed all that is necessary for our salvation, He has not yet revealed all ___________.
(para 7)
It may also help to examine historical questions in the proper historical context by considering the _____________ of the time period rather than_______________________________.
(para. 9)
culture and norms
imposing current perspectives and attitudes.
We live in a time when many ____________________ (Isaiah 5:20).
(Para 12)
We live in a time when many “call evil good, and good evil” (Isaiah 5:20).
God has promised to reveal truth to our minds and hearts through_____________ if we will diligently seek Him.
(para 1)
The Holy Ghost
Answers to our questions and prayers often come __________________________
(2 Nephi 28:30).
(para 7)
“line upon line, precept upon precept”
(2 Nephi 28:30)
It is important to remember that ___________________________ do not carry the saving power of covenants, ordinances, and doctrine.
(para 10)
historical details
As we seek help from the ______________ and turn to the _____________________ for answers and direction, we can be blessed to discern between truth and error.
(par 12)
Holy Ghost
Lord’s divinely appointed sources
God’s divinely ordained pattern requires that we, ____________________ and are ____________________ according to that which he has revealed.
(para 2)
have an honest desire to know the truth
willing to live
We act in __________ when we choose to__________ God and_______________ first through sincere prayer, a study of His teachings, and obedience to His commandments.
(para 5)
turn to Him
Questions that help us view ideas based on the Lord’s standard of truth rather than accepting the world’s premises or assumptions.
(para 8)
“What do I already know about Heavenly Father, His plan, and how He deals with His children?”
“What gospel teachings relate to or clarify this concept or issue?”
We can trust in the Lord’s promise that “______________________________” (Moroni 10:5).
(para 12)
“By the power of the Holy Ghost, ye may know the truth of all things.”
A vital part of our effort to learn truth.
(para 3)
Asking questions and seeking answers