Bible and Commandments
Prayer and Virtue
Jesus is our S______.
What is Savior
Mary was born without sin. The holy day when we celebrate that is the feast of the I__________ C_______________.
What is Immaculate Conception.
In the Bible it is the G__________ that tell us about the life and works of Jesus. They are in the New Testament part of the Bible
What is Gospel(s)
The sacraments of I________ are: Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation.
What is Initiation.
The Nicene Creed is the summary of our b_______, which we say at Mass.
What is beliefs.
The T_________ is three persons in one God. Those three persons in one God are the F_______, the S____ and the H______ S_______.
What is Trinity, Father, Son, Holy, Spirit
Mary went up to heaven. We call that the A_____________.
What is Assumption.
We are told in the Bible that our r__________ for living as faithful followers of Jesus is to be with Him in H________.
What is reward, Heaven
The first time Jesus celebrated Eucharist was at the L_____ S_______.
What is Last Supper
When we p_____, God listens to us.
What is pray.
Jesus gave us eight ways to live as His disciples in His Sermon on the Mount and they are called the B_________.
What is Beatitudes.
We pray the R________ in honor of Mary.
What is Rosary.
The writers of the Gospels are the four E_______: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.
What is Evangelists
Holy Orders is the sacrament received by those who are called by God to be ordained ministers or P________.
What is Priests.
Our deliberate words or actions that hurt others and are contrary to God's law are s___. It is not sin when we make a mistake or accidentally hurt someone or miss Mass because we are sick. God l____ us even when we sin.
What is sin, loves.
When the followers of Jesus wanted to know how to pray, Jesus taught them the O________ F_______.
What is Our Father.
Mary was chosen to give birth to our Savior, J_____ C_____ and so we honor her. This mystery is the In___________ and we celebrate it on C___________ day.
What is Jesus, Christ, Incarnation, Christmas
The C__________ was an Old Testament work that meant the love and partnership that God formed between Him and His people as told in the story of Moses.
What is covenant.
We confess our sins and received God's forgiveness in the sacrament of Penance, also called R____________.
What is Reconciliation
Hope is the virtue by which we t______ in God even when it is difficult.
What is trust.
The Church teaches us that Jesus Christ is true God and true man. We say this comes from D________ R_________.
What is Divine, Revelation.
O___ L_____ of G________ is the patroness of the Americas.
What is Our Lady of Guadalupe.
The commandments were given to M_______ on Mt. Sinai, not to the disciples.
What is Moses.
In Confirmation we are anointed with the o___ of c_____. It is an important symbol in the sacrament of Confirmation.
What is oil, chrism
When we offer our prayers for the needs of others and the world, they are prayers of i___________ and p___________. That part of the Mass where we do that is the Prayer of the Faithful.
What is intercession, petition.