"I'm using an ARP for this project"
Authorized Resource Provider
"Let's run the SWOT"
Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats
"Focus is the CX"
Customer Experience
"My new mentor is an RF engineer"
Radio Frequency
"I can't wait to share out EVP on my Linked-In"
Employee Value Proposition
"I don't know the GEH policy"
Gifts, Entertainment, Hospitality
"I'm glad you're taking the lead on the RFP"
Request for Proposal
"Åsa just delivered an amazing presentation about BEWS"
Business Area Enterprise Wireless Solutions
"The HTML code is broken!"
Hypertext Markup Language
"It's time to RtBoP"
Raising the Bar on Performance
"I'm working on an audit for EGMS"
Ericsson Group Management Systems
"I made sure my goals were SMART"
Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant (Realistic), Time-Bound
"Our FCF has improved YoY"
Free Cash Flow
"The acquisition of Vonage completely changes our API game"
"I'm SAFe certified!"
Scaled Agile Framework
"Did you take the recent ABC training?"
Anti-Bribery and Corruption
"I just started and I'm overwhelmed trying to understand my teams RASCI"
Responsible, Accountable, Supporting, Consulted, Informed
"the company CAGR has increase by 900%"
Compound Annual Growth Rate
"Vonage again named Leader in the 2024 Gartner Magic Quadrant for CPaaS"
Communication Platform as a Service
"I was on a call at 5 am this morning with GSSC"
Global Shared Services Center
"I'm calling about the CSI breach"
Competitively Sensitive Information"
"The vendor gave us the BAFO"
Best and final offer
"the company's EBITA has continued to increase reflecting strong performance"
Earnings Before Interest, Tax and Amortization expenses
"I am doing an rotation with EUIR"
Engineering Unit Integrated RAN
"HANA is down"
High-Performance Analytic Appliance