
Which of Romeo's friends attended the party with him? 

Mercutio and Benvolio 


Who is Friar Laurence ? What does he agree to do for Romeo and Juliet? 

He is the priest. He agrees to marry Romeo and Juliet. 


Who is the antagonist? 



Which of these examples displays personification: 

"Arise, fair sun, and kill the envious moon" 

"it is my lady, O, it is my love" 

"She speaks, yes she says nothing. What of that?" 

"Arise, fair sun, and kill the envious moon" 

The attribution of human characteristics to something nonhuman.


"Oh Romeo, Romeo, wherefore ____ _____ _____ ?" 

Oh Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo? 


Romeo didn't leave the party with his where did Romeo end up? 

He unintentionally ended up under Juliet's balcony 


What plans do Romeo and Juliet make at the end of the scene? 

They plan to get married the following day. 


Why was it dangerous for Romeo to be talking with Juliet under her balcony? 

It was dangerous because it was in Capulet territory and he is a Montague.  

Identify the metaphor: 

"To turn your households' rancour to pure love." 

"A pair of star-crossed lovers take their life." 

"Juliet is the sun" 

"Juliet is the sun" 

Metaphor is a comparison between two things that are otherwise unrelated.


"But, soft, what light through yonder window breaks? It is the east, and Juliet is the ____"

"But, soft, what light through yonder window breaks? It is the east, and Juliet is the SUN" 


Where did Benvolio and Mercutio think Romeo went after the party? Be specific 

They both thought that he went to go hang out with his ex, Rosaline.  


Who are the two (main) adults aware of Romeo and Juliet's relationship? 

1. Friar Laurence 

2. The Nurse 


What does the antagonist send to the Montague household? 

A letter challenging Romeo to a duel. 


Romeo and Juliet are feeling which emotion in the final scene of Act 2? You need to explain WHY. 

1. Devastation 

2. Confusion

3. Anger 

4. Heartbreak

5. Excitement 

6. Disgust 

7. Anxiety 

8. Depressed 

9. Betrayed 


They are feeling excited because they just met up with Friar Laurence to get MARRIED! 


Fill in the blank 

"See how she leans her cheek upon her hand. O, that I were a ____ upon that hand. That I might touch that _____" 

Glove / Cheek 


Act ONE question: What famous speech did Mercutio give and where did he give it? 

Mercutio gave the famous Queen Mab speech and it was while they were walking to the party.


Why is Juliet so impatient at the beginning of scene 5 and how does the nurse further test Juliet’s patience?

Juliet is impatient because she wants to know whether or not her and Romeo are meeting up that evening to get married.  The nurse tests her patience by being slow to deliver the message.  


Act ONE reflection: What does someone do as an insult to someone that they hate? What is its modern equivalent? 

Bite their thumb. It's the equivalent of flipping someone off today. 


Identify one example of Shakespeare foreshadowing from either Act 1 or 2.  

Friar Laurence making poison. 

Romeo having a feeling that going to the party will result in his death. 

Romeo says in the balcony scene that he would rather die in enemy territory than leave Juliet etc. etc. 


Friar Laurence says "These ______ delights have _______ ends." Explain to us what this means. 

"These Violent Delights have Violent Ends." 

Passionate love is not sustainable and will end poorly for them both.