dun du dunt ta dun tana (Indina)
na na na nun nunt nunt (Mario)
du dun dunt duna du dun dun (Star Wars)
du dunt duna dunt du dun da (Harry Potter)
dunt da dun dunt du na na na dunt duna (Zelda)
What type of essay will you be prompted to write next Monday? How will you treat it?
A persuasive essay. You will treat it just like an analytical essay.
What is the purpose of the introduction?
To engage the reader and state your thesis. Give them incentive to read it. Engage them. Don't make the writing personal... AVOID USING 'I' and phrases such as... In my opinion... I think that.... I just recently... It's not about you!!!!!!
What are the two grammar components EACH and EVERY sentence MUST have?
A subject and a verb
What is the issue? When the volcano erupts; we have to run.
Semicolons can only meld two complete thoughts that are related. In this sentence, we have a dependent clause followed by an independent clause. We need a comma- When the volcano erupts, we have to run.
Expect both a fictional and nonfiction reading passage next week. How many questions will you answer after each passage? How are these questions divided?
Seven questions roughly per passage and probably two technology questions per passage
How many times will your thesis appear in your essay? Where does it belong?
Twice - last sentence in the introduction and first sentence in the conclusion
What are the purpose of the body paragraphs?
In the body paragraphs, a writer works to prove their point and give evidence and reasoning for their argument.
What is the issue: Jimbo represents the Farmers' Association. Jimbo is the most qualified person for the job. Jimbo is honored to lead these men.
Jimbo, Jimbo, Jimo... no need to state his name every setence. The pronoun he can easily replace his name
What is the issue? Richard Randolph an amazing landscaper was hired to decorate my yard.
We have nonessential information: an amazing landscaper Richard Randolph, an amazing landscaper, was hired to decorate my yard.
What types of concepts will the reading portion test?
- Your ability to summarize text and thoughts - Your ability to make educated inferences from text - Your ability to sequence things chronologically from text - Your ability to search and find facts from a text - Your ability to recognize word meanings
What is a thesis statement? How many sentences is it? What does it contain?
thesis statement- one single sentence summarizing what your entire essay is about, has your opinions stated as fact, and it outlines what will be said regarding your proof in B1,B2, and B3
A helpful tip
Tip for next week: depending on what the prompt is, an easy way to start your intro off would be to write about a current issue or topic and tie it into the prompt. (Think back to our LOTF essay)
What is the issue? Jessica had been recently thinking and mildly pondering about the upcoming debate.
had been recently thinking and mildly pondering... IS WAY TOO WORDY thought? was thinking?
What should you do with any extra time you have? (This is especially true for the grammar portion)
Go back and check over your work
What will you have after the multiple choice questions on a reading passage? How do you respond to this?
Open response- respond with three to four solid sentences that address the question and end with your one sentence of commentary. Find facts first, then state your own reasoning.
What are concrete details? What is commentary? What is the ratio you strive to achieve?
Concrete details- the facts your basing your argument on Commentary- your own thoughts supporting your stance Ratio- 1/3rd CD; 2/3rds CM
Remember the tools of the trade and use them when justified. What punctuation devices should we feel comfortable using?
comma dash colon period semicolon
What is the issue? The father told the boy he couldn't play outside near the road anymore. Yet, the boy has to stay indoors to play.
Sequencing question: NOW
- don't panic - don't rush - use time wisely - be confident
How will the nonfiction open response most likely differ from the fictional open response?
It will contain a secondary article you have to read prior to answering the open response.
What should you have in terms of an outline before you begin typing?
Make sure you have a thesis statement established on your colored paper BEFORE you start typing. This will ensure your essay is addressing the prompt and it will be organized. Don't spend too much time on your outline; remember, you're against the clock
Where is the only place a sentence with a question mark (?) should appear... (I dislike them located anywhere)
ONLY in the introduction IF you even have one. DO NOT place questions in the body paragraph. You're trying to prove a point, not muddy your essay up with garbage questions!!!
What is the issue? It escaped the zoo and is now attacking people.
We don't know what it is. The alligator
What needs to happen before you come to school next week?
Make sure you get enough sleep the night before, make sure you eat something for breakfast
What is the formula for the nonfiction open response? (This is also true for the fictional open response, just skip step #1)
1. sentence containing the name of the secondary article and your fact 2. sentence containing the main article and your three facts 3. sentence summarizing your thoughts and answering question concerning both articles