Service Definition
Admission Criteria
Discharge Criteria
Required Components

An Evidence Based Practice that is person-centered, recovery-oriented, and a highly intensive community-based service for individuals who have serious and persistent mental illness.

What is Assertive Community Treatment?


For admission into Intensive Case Management, the individual must have a __________ and __________ mental illness that seriously interferes with their ability to live in the community.

What is severe and persistent?


True or False: An individual does not have to establish recovery support networks to assist in maintenance of recovery (such as peer supports, AA, NA, etc.) to be discharged from Intensive Case Management.

What is false?


Assertive Community Treatment must include a comprehensive and integrated set of medical and psychosocial services provided in non-office settings ______ of the time by a mobile multidisciplinary team.

What is 80%?


This service is provided in rural areas, where there is less demand for service, and/or in areas with professional workforce shortages.

What is a Community Support Team?


In ACT, priority is given to people recently discharged from an institutional setting with ____________, ______________, or _______________, because these illnesses more often cause long-term psychiatric disability.

What is schizophrenia, other psychotic disorders, or bipolar disorder?


Provide some examples of how an individual can demonstrate some ownership and engagement with his/her own illness self-management per the ICM discharge criteria.

What is 

a. Navigating and self-managing necessary services;

b. Maintaining personal hygiene;

c. Meeting his/her own nutritional needs;

d. Caring for personal business affairs;

e. Obtaining or maintaining medical, legal, and housing services;

f. Recognizing and avoiding common dangers or hazards to self and possessions;

g. Performing daily living tasks;

h. Obtaining or maintaining employment at a self-sustaining level or consistently performing homemaker roles (e.g., household meal preparation, washing clothes, budgeting, or childcare tasks and responsibilities); and

i. Maintaining a safe living situation?


In the event that an ICM has documented multiple attempts to locate and make contact with an individual and has demonstrated diligent search, after ___ days of unsuccessful attempts the individual may be discharged due to dropout.

What is 60 days?


Identify 3 performance outcome expectations for individuals receiving Intensive Case Management.

What is decreased hospitalizations, decreased incarcerations, decreased episodes of homelessness, increased housing stability, increased participation in employment activities, and increased community engagement?


Community Support Team admits individuals with significant functional impairments as demonstrated by the inability to consistently engage in at least two (2) of the following: ____________________________.

What is 

Maintaining personal hygiene;

Meeting nutritional needs;

Caring for personal business affairs;

Obtaining medical, legal, and housing services;

Recognizing and avoiding common dangers or hazards to self and possessions;

Performing daily living tasks except with significant support or assistance from others such as friends, family, or other relatives;

Employment at a self-sustaining level or consistently performing homemaker roles (e.g., household meal preparation, washing clothes, budgeting, or childcare tasks and responsibilities);

Maintaining a safe living situation (e.g., evicted from housing, or recent loss of housing, or imminent risk of loss of housing)?


True or False: Community Support Team discharge requires a planned reduction of units of service delivered and related evidence of the individual sustaining functioning through the reduction plan.

What is true?


In accordance with DACTS, the Treatment Team meeting must be held a minimum of ___ times a week with time dedicated to discussion of support to a specific individual, and documentation in the log of the Treatment Team Meetings.

What is 4?


______________ is a unique treatment model in which the majority of mental health services are directly provided internally by the ______________ program in the recipient’s natural environment. 

What is Assertive Community Treatment?


In Intensive Case Management, the individual may need assistance with keeping appointments with needed services which have resulted in the exhibition of specific behaviors that have led to _____________.

What is hospitalization, incarceration, or homelessness?


True or False: An individual can request discharge if he/she is not in imminent danger of harm to self or others from CST, if there is related evidence of the individual sustaining functioning through the reduction plan and an adequate continuing care plan has been established. 

What is true?


At least ___ of all Community Support Team service units must involve face-to-face contact with individuals.

What is 60%?


This service consists of four major components: Engagement & Needs Identification, Case Coordination, Referral & Linkage, and Monitoring & Follow-Up.

What is Intensive Case Management?


ACT admission criteria highlights within the last 180 days, the individual has been incarcerated or admitted to a psychiatric hospital or crisis stabilization unit __ or more times.

What is 2 or more times?


No individual should be considered for discharge of Assertive Community Treatment prior to _____ days of consecutive outreach and documentation of attempted contacts (calls, visits to various locations, collateral/informal contacts etc.).

What is 45 days?


True or False: Intensive Case Management requires a minimum of 5 face-to-face visits to be delivered on a monthly basis to each consumer.

What is false? A minimum of 4 face-to-face visits must be delivered on a monthly basis to each consumer.