
Fix the sentence by putting a comma in the correct spot: The girls were wearing shorts, sandals and a t-shirt to the beach.

What is Comma after 'sandals'


Add a semicolon to this sentence: I went to the store I bought apples.

What is I went to the store; I bought apples.


Insert the colon in the correct place: I have three items in my grocery bag apples, oranges, and carrots

What is I have three items in my grocery bag: apples, oranges, and carrots


Two  __________________ clauses can be separated by a period, a semicolon, or a comma and FANBOYS conjunction.

What is independent clauses.


Choose the correct sentence A) You asked for forgiveness, he granted it to you. B) You asked for forgiveness; he granted it to you. C) You asked for forgiveness: he granted it to you. D) You asked for forgiveness he granted it to you.

What is B


Why is the following sentence incorrect? The movie first appeared in theaters in 2007, and was a big hit.

What is the comma needs to be omitted because the FANBOYS conjunction does not separate two complete sentences.


Determine if this sentence needs a semicolon. If it does, where does it belong? I reached the end of the hallway and went down the stairwell the elevator was broken anyways.

What is: Yes, it needs a semicolon. I reached the end of the hallway and went down the stairwell; the elevator was broken anyways.


Which sentence is correct: 1) Every good outdoorsman must pack three essential items: a knife, matchbox, and water-resistant jacket. OR 2) Every good outdoorsman must pack a: knife, matchbox, and water-resistant jacket.

What is the first choice (1)


The purpose of a colon.

What is to begin a list or a series of 3 or more items.


Choose the correct sentence A) We ask; therefore, that you keep this matter confidential. B) We ask, therefore; that you keep this matter confidential. C) We ask, therefore, that you keep this matter confidential. D) We ask: therefore, that you keep this matter confidential.

What is C


Read the sentence and include the proper comma placement: Before the game began I stretched so I would not pull a muscle when playing.

What is Before the game began, I stretched so I would not pull a muscle when playing.


The semicolon functions like this punctuation. 

What is a period.


True/False  A phrase that comes after a colon can be an independent or dependent clause.

What is true


What test can you do to determine if adjectives in a series should be separated by commas. 

What is to insert 'and' between the adjectives.


Choose the correct sentence A) The order was requested six weeks ago; therefore, I expected the shipment to arrive by now. B) The order was requested six weeks ago, therefore I expected the shipment to arrive by now. C) The order was requested six weeks ago, therefore, I expected the shipment to arrive by now. D) The order was requested six weeks ago: therefore, I expected the shipment to arrive by now.

What is A


Read the sentence and insert commas if necessary: Although I was not the first one to arrive at the party I felt out of place because I was not with my friends and had no one to talk to.

What is: Although I was not the first one to arrive at the party, I felt out of place because I was not with my friends and had no one to talk to.


Is a semicolon needed?  If so, where? The weather was looking bleak so we decided not to go to the beach I get sunburned easily anyways.

What is yes, after "beach".


Dashes are used to set of ______________ information.

What is inessential.


When do you put a comma before a FANBOYS conjunction in a sentence?

What is when the FANBOYS conjunction separates two complete sentences.


Name the FANBOYS conjunctions

What is for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so


Add commas to this sentence: I ran past a tall fast track star and I did not stop to think that he could be injured because I was too busy listening to my iPod the one with the broken screen.

What is: I ran past a tall, fast track star, and I did not stop to think that he could be injured because I was too busy listening to my iPod, the one with the broken screen.


Why does the following sentence need a semicolon? Students often don’t see the value of homework; they complete their assignments out of necessity rather than out of a desire to learn. 

What is because they are two independent sentences (and the ideas are closely related).


Determine whether or not the sentence needs a colon. If yes, where? Here's what you need to do to impress your boss show up early, dress nicely, and speak your mind.

What is yes, a colon is needed after "boss".


Use a comma when a sentence starts with a _____________ clause followed by a ____________ clause. 

What is a dependent clause followed by an independent clause.


How many comma rules are there for the ACT?

What is 4