This is a Person, Place, or Thing
What is a Noun
A subsitute for a Noun or a Noun Phrase
What is Pronoun
Words that sound similar to each other but have different meanings
What are Misused Words
Receives or reacts to an action
What is an Object
Makes the sound fo an owl, but it is a Subject Pronoun
What is Who
Conveys an Action or a State of Being
What is a Verb
A word used to connect Words, Phrases, Clauses, and Sentences
What is Conjunction
Verbs that aren't used normally for tense and past participles
What is Irregular Verbs
Performs and action
What is a Subject
Is often confused with who, but is often the Object of a Prepisition
What is Whom
"Awe, Shucks", is an example of this Part of Speech
What is an Interjenction
Starts a list, or clarifies a statement
What is Colon :
This Misused Word is often mistaken to mean excluding something
What is Accept
Start of a statement, needs additional information to make sense
What is a Dependant Clause
A replacement for proper nouns in a sentence
What is Pronouns
What part of Speech modify's a Noun, and which Part of Speech modify's a Verb
What is an Adjective, and What is an Adverb
Connects two related sentences
What is Semicolon ;
Goes, Does, Saw, See, Thinks
What are Examples of Irregular Verbs
Usually start with Because, Although, When, If, and While
What is a Dependant Clause
You, I, He, She, It, We, and They
What are Examples of Personal Pronouns
In Language, Designates the relationships of Time and Space
What is a Preposition
The most often used puncuation that does not end a sentence
What is a Comma
Farther and Further, Affect and Effect, Principal and Principle
What are Examples of Misused Words
The explanation of a statement, can be used as it's own sentance
What is an Independant clause
Mine, Yours, His, Hers
What are Examples of Possessive Pronouns