Where does Romeo go after the party?
Capulet's Orchard
Explain the context of this quote:
"What light through yonder window breaks? /
It is the east, and Juliet is the sun" (2.2.3-4).
Romeo compares Juliet to the sun. Juliet brings light to Romeo.
Who is a hot tempered Capulet?
What is foreshadowing?
When a story hints at something that will happen in the future.
Why is Juliet frustrated with the Nurse in scene 4? (2 answers)
She comes back with a sad/upset face and takes a long time to deliver the news.
Where do Romeo and Juliet plan to meet?
At Friar Lawrence's cell
Explain this quote:
"What's in a name? That which we call a rose, / By any other word would smell as sweet. / So Romeo would — were he not Romeo called — / Retain that dear perfection which he owes / Without that title" (2.2.43-47).
Juliet compares Romeo to a rose and is explaining that names do not define someone/something.
Who compares plants to people, pointing out the good and evil in each?
Friar Lawrence
What is dramatic irony?
When the audience knows something that the character's don't.
What excuse does Juliet use in order to go to Friar Lawrence's cell alone?
She is going to confession.
Why does Friar Lawrence agree to marry Romeo and Juliet?
He thinks it could solve the Capulet and Montague feud
Who speaks these linse and what does it mean?:
"Holy Saint Francis, what a change is here! / Is Rosaline, that thou didst love so dear, / So soon forsaken?" (2.3.65-67).
Friar Lawrence. He is surprised that Romeo has moved on from Rosaline so quickly.
Who among the Montagues is the most peaceful and least likely to fight?
What is an aside?
When a character makes a comment to the audience. The other characters cannot hear them.
Why does Friar Lawrence scold Romeo?
He has moved on from his feelings for Rosaline too quickly. He is rushing his relationship with Juliet.
How does Romeo plan to enter Juliet's house after they get married? (Be specific)
He asks the Nurse to have a servant set up a rope ladder to her room.
What does "O Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art thou Romeo?" mean?
Juliet is saying "Why is your name Romeo?" showing her distress over her true love being her enemy.
Who makes fun of the Nurse and says her fan is prettier than her face?
What is a foil character?
A minor character that has contrasting characteristics with the main character. This highlights each character's traits.
Why does Romeo hide in the Capulet's orchard? (2 reasons)
To see Juliet and to hide from Benvolio and Mercutio
What did Tybalt write in his letter that he sent to Lord Montague? Why?
He challenged Romeo to a duel because he came to the Capulet's party uninvited.
Answer these questions about the quote:
What scene is it in?
Who is speaking?
What is the context?
"How art thou out of breath, when thou hast breath / To say to me that thou art out of breath? / The excuse that thou dost make in this delay / Is longer than the tale thou dost excuse."
Scene: 5
Character: Juliet
Context: Juliet is frustrated because the Nurse is taking too long to tell her the news. She questions how the Nurse can be too out of breath to speak if she has been able to speak about how she is out of breath.
Who overhears Juliet speaking aloud her loving thoughts for Romeo?
What is a soliloquy?
When a character speaks out loud to themselves. This reveals their inner thoughts to the audience.
When Benvolio and Mercutio meet up with Romeo again, what do they think of his attitude?
He is happy and back to his old self.