This part of speech describes an action or state of being.
what is a verb
The subject of a sentence performs this action.
what is a verb
This type of clause can stand alone as a sentence.
what is an independent clause
"He," "she," and "they" are examples of this type of pronoun.
what is "subject pronoun"
A comma is used to separate items in this kind of list.
what is a "series"
This part of speech modifies a noun or pronoun.
what is an adjective
In the sentence "Samantha threw the ball," "the ball" is this type of object.
what is a direct object
This type of clause begins with a subordinating conjunction and cannot stand alone.
what is a dependent clause
"Me," "him," and "her" are examples of this type of pronoun.
what is "object pronoun"
A colon is used to introduce this kind of list or explanation.
what is a "detailed list"
"Quickly," "softly," and "gracefully" belong to this part of speech.
what is an adverb.
In "She gave him a gift," "him" is this type of object.
what is an indirect object
In "Because it was raining, we stayed inside," the dependent clause is this part of the sentence.
"My," "your," and "their" are examples of this type of pronoun.
what is "possessive pronouns.
A semicolon connects two independent clauses when this is missing.
what is a "conjunction"
This part of speech connects words, phrases, or clauses, examples include "and" and "but."
what is a conjuction
In the sentence "Tom eats pizza," "Tom" is the subject and "pizza" is this.
what is object
In the sentence "I went to bed early because I was tired," the independent clause is this part.
what is "I went to bed early
"Who" and "whom" belong to this category of pronouns.
what is "interrogative pronouns"
A comma is often used before this word in a list: "I bought apples, bananas, ___ oranges."
what is "and"
"Wow!" and "Oh no!" are examples of this part of speech, which expresses strong emotion.
what is an interjection
In the sentence "The dog that I adopted is friendly," "that I adopted" modifies "dog" and functions as this type of clause.
what is a relative clause
"I like reading books that challenge me." The clause "that challenge me" is this type of dependent clause.
what is a relative clause
"Each," "everyone," and "nobody" are this type of pronoun, often causing subject-verb agreement confusion.
what is "indefinite pronoun"
A semicolon can be used to connect two sentences that are closely related, without using this small connecting word.
what is a "conjunciton