Plug and Chug
Got Area?
Circle Up
Tricky Trig
What's the Odds?
If a-b=3 and c=4a-5-4b, then c=
What is 7
If the lengths of the sides of a rectangular plot of land with area 12 square feet are doubled, what is the new area of the plot in square feet?
What is 48?
What is the area of a semicircle with a diameter of 2?
What is pi/2?
If cosX = 5/13 and sin < 0, then cot = ?
What is -5/12?
One card is draw at random from a pile containing 2 spades, 5 hearts, 3 clubs, and 8 diamonds. What is the probability that the selected card is NOT a diamond?
What is 5/9
Bill is twice as old as Ross, and peggy is one-third as old as Bill. If Ross is R years old, then in terms of R, how old is Peggy?
What is 2R/3?
A quadrilateral with a perimeter of 40 has sides with lengths that are consecutive multiples of 4. What is the length of the longest side?
What is 16?
Two circles have radii in a ratio of 1:2. What is the ratio of their areas?
What is 1:4?
SinX equals
What is opposite/hypotenuse?
Each stair in a certain staircase is 2/3 feet tall. How many stairs are there if the staircase is 60 feet tall.
What is 90?
The sum of two integers is 20. The product of the same two integers is 96. What is the smaller of the 2 integers?
What is 8?
A rectangular kitchen is 4 meters longer than it is wide. If the area of the kitchen is 192 square meters, how many meters long is it?
What is 16?
The radius of a cylinder, C1, is tripled and its height is halved to form a new cylinder, C2. What is the ratio of the volume of C1 to the volume of C2?
What is 2:9?
TanX equals
What is opposite/adjacent?
Cheryl has a jar of marbles. There are 24 white marbles, 10 blue marbles, and 6 red marbles in the jar. What is the probability that Cheryl will NOT select a blue marble the first time she pulls a marble out of the jar?
What is 3/4?
When z is divided by 6, the remainder is 4. What is the remainder when z is divided by 2?
What is 0?
What is the length of the diagonal of a rectangle with a side of 4 and an area of 12?
What is 5?
The circumference of a yo-yo with a diameter of 16 cm is:
What is 16 pi cm?
CotX equals
What is 1/tanX or adjacent/opposite?
One card is drawn at random from a pile containing 2 spades, 5 hearts, 3 clubs, and 8 diamonds. What is the probability that the selected card is NOT a diamond?
What is 5/9?
The price of a shirt is reduced by 30% to $14. What was the original price of the shirt?
What is $20?
A rectangular dance floor has a tightly stretched rope running around its perimeter. If the dance floor measures 20 feet by 30 feet, what is the length, in feet, of the rope?
What is 100?
Segment AB cuts circle Q, which has an area of 36 pi, into two equal parts. If A and B are both points on the circle, then what is the length of segment AB?
What is 12?
If sinX = 3/5, then cosX =
What is 4/5?
If 8 pounds of sugar are needed to make 12 chocolate cakes, how many pounds of sugar are needed to make 16 chocolate cakes?
What is 10 2/3?