
What's wrong with the underlined part of this sentence?

I e-mailed Kim for advice, then by the time she wrote back to me, I already felt better.

advice, but then by


50% of 30 is 15% of what number?



What does the italicized word nearly mean?

He was an affable man: smiling, tipping his hat, and greeting with all a cheerful good morning.



What is wrong with the italicized part of this sentence?

I feel that, and--don't argue with me, Bryant--jazz drummers are better than rock drummers.

feel that--and don't argue with me, Bryant


In a coordinate plane, the vertices of a triangle are (-3, 2), (-5, -8), and (6, -1). If the triangle undergoes a translation of 3 units to the right and 4 units down, what are the new coordinates?

(0, -2), (-2, -12), (9, -5)


What does the italicized word nearly mean?

Just as genes propagate themselves in the gene pool by leaping from body to body, so memes propagate themselves in the meme pool by leaping from brain to brain. If an idea catches on, it can be said to propagate itself spreading from brain to brain.



What is wrong with the italicized part of this sentence?

What I don't understand, though, is why the robot was evil in the first place.

No change


If a 75lb dog takes a 60mg pill, how many mg should a 25lb dog take?



What type of writing style is used for the following passage?

As a young girl, I always wanted to be a teacher. I would find my sister and sit her in an imaginary classroom. Then, I would write the alphabet on the board in my best handwriting and watch as she copied each letter on the paper.



What is wrong with the italicized part of this sentence?

I am certain my uncle an esteemed college professor is in high demand as a seminar lecturer.

certain my uncle, an esteemed college professor, is in high demand as a


Simplify (3x - 7)(5x + 2)

15x2 - 29x - 14


What type of writing style is used for the following passage?

The Eiffel Tower is one structure that reflects man's desire to reach for the stars. Today, architects compete to build taller and taller buildings. This desire can be traced back to the biblical story of the tower of Babel.



What word should be changed in this sentence to make it grammatically correct?

The band playing bad cover songs outside my window is really annoying me.

There is no change.

If a pie chart is representative of 1225 people, what central angle of a sector would represent 150 people?



What is the authors purpose for the following passage?

"When we think of our forefathers who shaped our present-day society, the names George Washington and Thomas Jefferson come to mind. However, one cannot look at our present legal system without thinking of John Marshall. Most would agree that he was influential, but was John Marshall the great jurist that history has recorded?"

The author's purpose is to examine the work of John Marshall and come to a conclusion regarding his contributions.