What is an example of a noun?
A person, place, thing, or idea.
What is a verb?
An action or state of being
What is the subject in this sentence?
"The forks and knives are in the kitchen, and the jar with the Thai peanut sauce has been sitting in the refrigerator."
Subject= The jar
What is an irregular verb?
A verb that does not follow the rules of grammer.
What is an independent clause?
A group of words that contains a subject and verb and it makes sense as its own sentence.
What is an adjective?
A describing word; usually to describe a noun or pronoun.
What is an example of a pronoun?
A word used to replace a noun.
What is the object in this sentence?
"I put the orange cat in the garden."
Object: the orange cat
What is a misused word?
A word that is used incorrectly in a sentence.
What is a dependent clause?
A group of words that contains a subject and verb but doesn't make sense as its own sentence.
What is an adverb?
A word used to modify or describe a verb.
What is a proposition?
A word that shows the relationship of a noun or pronoun to another word.
What is the subject in a sentence?
The subject is a noun. (Person, place, thing, or idea)
What is the Irregular verb in this sentence?
"I eat the apple yesterday."
Irregular verb= eat
Correct verb= ate
What is a coordinating conjunction?
Coordinating conjunction= Combining two sentences or ideas that are of equal value.
What is a conjunction?
A word joining to words, clauses, or phrases.
What is the subject and object in the sentence?
"We watch Netflix."
Subject= We
Object= Netflix
"I bisected the frog."
Misused word= bisected
Correct word= disected
What is a subordinate conjunction?
Subordinate conjunction= Combining two sentences or ideas in a way that makes one more important than the other.
What is an interjunction?
A phrase or word used to express an intense emotion or feeling
What is the object in a sentence?
The thing or person that the action is done to.
What is the misused word and irregular verb in this sentence?
"You're time is up so finish drink your water."
Misused word= You're
Correct word= Your
Irregular verb= drink
Correct verb= drinking
What is the dependent clause in this sentence?
"I will call you when I get home."
Dependent clause= when I get home