General Test Questions
Grammar Counts!
Transitions have it
Reading is FUNdamental!
MAD Scientist
This section tests your understanding of standard, formal English.
What is the English Section.

This punctuation mark ends a complete thought when not in a direct quote or an interjection.

What is a period?


Cause and Effect transitions. (Must get 2)

What is "therefore", "so", "because", "thus", "due to", "as a result", or "consequently"?


The four types of stories you will be tested on (must get at least 2 correct)

What are prose fiction, humanities, natural science and social sciences.


Don’t Forget the Line References. To do that you should ... 

What is mark the lines that the question refers to. 


You should never do this with a question on the ACT, even when running out of time.

What is leave the question blank.


There are seven of these which work together to connect independent clauses and they can be memorized with this mnemonic device

What is "FANBOYS"?


Contrast transitions that indicate a change in direction or counter argument. (must get 2)

What are but, however, nevertheless, On the other hand, Otherwise, unlike, conversely, in spite of


True or False a workable strategy is: questions you can answer before you have read the entire passage.

What is "Targeted questions". 

The four science areas tested are:
What are earth/space, physics, biology and chemistry.

Minimum score on the ACT.

What is 18 combined score?


The proper puctuation mark in the following example should be: "To cut through root vegetables like potatoes, rutagegas and parsnips, you should use a chef's knife( ) not a paring knife."

What is a comma.


These transitions give an example. (Must get 2 right)

What are "such as", "in this case", "for one thing", "for instance", "for example", "in the case of", "illustrated by", and "as an example"..


Use this approach for the 2 dual passages.

What is read passage "A and answer only questions for passage A before reading passage "B"? 

Each ACT Science passage uses these to test data representation; get them and you get the points!
What are the first two to three questions of each experiment!

You should read the question, predict the answer and apply your choice to the bubble sheet on these sections.

What are the English, Reading and Science sections.


This punctuation mark should only be used after a complete sentence to introduce a list, quote or detailed explanation.

What is a colon?


Words that indicate added evidence, emplasis or explanation

What is also, moreover, especially, in particular, furthermore, in addition, indeed, of course, certainly?


Split or dual passages are...

What are compare and contrast passages? (You will be asked what is similar and what is different)

Diagrams are usually used for the Science category of:
What is Biology,

The things you should do when you hear 5 minutes left:

What are finish the problem you are working on, pick a letter and bubble the rest of the answers?

This punctuation mark should be used to separate two independent clauses and must also be used with a comma.
What is a semi-colon?

Three most common transitions found on the ACT?

What addition, contrast, and causation?


8.5 minutes

What is the amount of time you have for each passage and its questions.

True or False: Scope is just as important to ACT Science as it is to ACT Reading?
What is True! Don't be intimidated!