Testing Day
ACT Test

True or False:  You MUST turn off your cellphone and wearable device (watch) when entering the testing room?


  • All devices, including cell phones and wearable devices, must be turned off and placed out of sight.

What subjects will I be taking on the ACT?

English, Mathematics, Reading, Science and Writing


What is the penalty for guessing on the ACT? What should you do?

There is no penalty for guessing, so you should make sure that you answer every question.


True or False:  The ACT is still used by some colleges in accepting students for admission?

True: Some colleges and universities require an ACT to gain admission into the school.


This location at East HS houses study books on the ACT and SAT?

LMC - See Librarian Jen MC for more information on testing materials.


What type of writing utensil you should have to use when taking the ACT?

Soft lead No. 2 pencil


Each section of the ACT is scored on what range scale? (Looking for the range of numbers)

1 - 36.  36 is the highest score possible.


What is the best strategy for taking the tests?

Answer the easy questions first. (skip the difficult questions and go back to them if you have time-if you are running out of time, guess!)


TRUE or FALSE: Some college internships are requiring an ACT to decide between candidates?

TRUE - Certain internships are requiring an ACT score to get the job.


What is the website for everything related to ACT and study materials?


TRUE or FALSE: You can still be admitted to test if you are late?

FALSE - You will NOT be admitted to the test if you are late.


Which subjects of the ACT are used to find your composite score?

English, Math, Reading and Science.  Writing is it's own score.


What is the importance of referring to the passages when answering the questions?

Answers to some of the questions will be found by referring to what is explicitly stated in the text.


TRUE or FALSE: A high score on the ACT can improve your chances for an apprenticeship?

TRUE - A higher score can move your name up the list of candidates for an apprenticeship.


Afterschool tutoring happens on which two days of the week?

Tuesdays and Thursdays - See your counselor to sign up


What date will ALL juniors take the ACT at Madison East High School?

Tuesday, March 11th


What is the ACT Test?

The ACT is an entrance exam used by most colleges and trades/apprenticeships to make decisions on entry into the college or career.


Share one test taking tip with the group.

Any test taking tip that was not mentioned previously counts as WIN!


What types of scholarships are available when submitting your ACT to colleges?

Merit-Based Scholarships - something is based on a student's skill or ability 


Xello has access to a free online ACT course and study guides.  What is the name of this software?

Methodize.  You have a free account by logging into Xello and clicking on Methodize.


What is an acceptable form of ID?

Must be an original, current (valid) ID issued by a city/state/federal government agency or your school.

ID must be in hard plastic card format. Paper or electronic formats are NOT acceptable.


What is a Superscore?

A Superscore is when you take the best scores from each subject from multiple test attempts and average them together.


Share one test taking tip with the group.

Any test taking tip that was not mentioned previously counts as WIN!


If you do not meet the ACT requirement for skilled trades what is the test you will need to take?

The Accuplacer


What is the name of the online reading platform where you can find ACT Test Prep materials