What does it mean to show respect?
A way of treating or thinking about something or someone.
What are the 3 D's to bystander intervention?
Direct, Distract, and Delegate
How can you become part of the Act UP movement?
Live your life as an example for those around you.
A 2018 survey given to the Red Bluff High School 10th grade class, repoted that __% have exeperienced one or more forms of teen dating violence.
What was voted as the world's cutest animal?
The red panda
Be kind, listen to others, be considerate, be inclusive
When being direct, what does this entail?
Speaking up (aka. Acting UP)
How can you be a role model in Acting UP when you see something wrong?
Step up and speak up when you see someone behaving in a disrespectful manner.
A 2018 survey given to the Red Bluff High School 10th grade class, reported __% have experienced digital abuse in a relationship.
Who is 2019's most famous singer in the world?
Ariana Grande
What does it mean to be a role model when teaching respect to others?
Treat everyone with respect, so that observers around you can witness first-hand what positive and respectful interactions look like.
When witnessing one of your friends bullying another student, what are some options you can do to intervene?
Speak up, report to an adult, or distract them or the victim by trying to get them away from the incident.
Who are the Advocates for Change?
Local men and boys in the community who believe:
Real men are respectful
Real men don't use their strength against others
Real men intervene when someone needs help
Real men serve as positive role models and mentors
A 2018 survey given to the Red Bluff High School 10th grade class, reported __% of students have experienced sexual abuse in a relationship. (ie. unwanted touching and/or being forced to do things they did not want to do)
What characted from Fortnite is a play off of the Black Panther?
What country is known for its respect and generous social benefits, and is commited to gender equality?
What can you do to become an upstander (active bystander) in a bullying situation?
What are the Advocates for Change trying to promote on your campus?
How to stand up for what is right
How to speak up again injustice
How to act up by getting involved
A 2018 survey given to the Red Bluff High School 10th grade class, reported __% of student have experienced physical abuse in a relationship.
Does a merry-go-round turn clockwise or counterclockwise?
Who sings the famous Respect song?
Aretha Franklin
What is the difference between a bystander and an upstander?
A bystander is someone who is present but does not speak or act up. An upstander is someone who takes action when they see an act taking place. They Act UP.
What is the mission of the Act UP! campaign?
To create social change by promoting positive & respectful behavior
A 2018 survey given to the Red Bluff High School 10th grade class, reported that __% of students reported experiencing verbal or emotional abuse in a relationship.
Sleepy, Happy, Sneezy, Grumpy, Dopey, Doc. Who's missing?