A verb is a word that expresses:
What is "an action OR a state of being."
Name a verb that can be a linking verb but not an action verb.
Answers vary (is, was, were, are, become, seem, etc.)
What an action verb does (include the 2 categories):
What is "expresses a physical or mental action."
Name a verb that can be an action verb but not a linking verb.
Answers vary
What a linking verb does:
What is "expresses a state of being" or "connects a noun/pronoun to something that describes it."
Name a verb that can be an action verb OR a linking verb depending on how it is used.
Answers vary (look, smell, sound, taste, turn, grew, etc.)
Identify the verb(s) in the following sentence AND state which type they are: Betty had seemed sick all morning.
What is had (HV), seemed (LV).
What a helping verb does:
What is "help the main verb in a verb phrase."
Write a sentence that uses a linking verb.
Answers vary.
Explain why the verb in this phrase is "was" and not "exciting."
The amusement park was exciting and crowded.
"Was" is linking "the amusement park" to the adjective "exciting." It is being used to help describe something about the amusement park.
Nothing in the sentence is doing something/exciting somebody.
Identify the action verb in the following sentence: Mrs. Jackson should have remained quiet and listened to the instructions from the policeman.
What is listened
Write a sentence that uses both a linking AND action verb.
Answers vary
Identify the verb(s) in the following sentence AND state which type they are: Lucas would have been sleeping if he was tired.
What is would (HV), have (HV), been (HV), sleeping (AV), was (LV).