Action Research Basics
Developing a Research Question
Action Research Process
Ethics in Action Research
Data Collection & Analysis

Action research is a strategy used by educators to investigate this kind of issue.

What is an educational interest or problem?


Action research typically follows this four-step process, starting with planning.

What are planning, action, observing, and reflecting?


Teachers conducting action research are seen as this, rather than merely applying knowledge.

What are knowledge generators?


These 2 OCT Ethical Standards, must be maintained when teachers collect and store data. 

What is trust and integrity?


Action research involves collecting multiple sources of data to ensure this, which refers to verifying findings from different angles.

What is triangulation?


Action research can result in this form of personal and professional development for teachers.

What is professional growth \ professional development?


This step in the action research process involves noticing students' learning and development.

What is observing?


This is the first step in the action research process.

What is planning?


To protect student privacy, teachers should anonymize data and ensure that this personal information is not included in research reports.

What are students’ names and identifiable details?


This type of data collection refers to documenting observable, non-numerical changes and perspectives.

What is qualitative data?


This type of action research involves educators working as a team to investigate an issue

What is collaborative action research?


Action research is often described as this type of process, emphasizing that one cycle leads to the next.

What is cyclical?


In action research, this step involves teaching a new strategy to students based on the AR plan and implementing the intervention.

What is action?


This individual can be consider a critical friend when engaging in classroom action research.

What is your Associate Teacher or Faculty Advisor?


This plan outlines the data collection methods and the timeline for each aspect of data gathering.

What is a data collection plan \ methods plan?


This type of research is conducted by educators to reflect, consider options, and implement solutions in their classrooms.

What is action research?


This is the most important skill a researcher needs during the action research process.

What is the ability to engage in reflection?


After implementing the action, educators engage in this step to assess what they learned and reflect on the outcomes.

What is reflection?


During the first week of your Practicum, who will you seek consent from at the school to pursue your AR interest \ question?

Who is my Associate Teacher and\or Principal?


This initial set of data is collected to understand the extent of a problem before implementing a change.

What is baseline data?


The action research process can result in professional development, improved practice, and this personal benefit.

What is enhanced teacher efficacy?


At the end of an action research cycle, researchers engage in this last step, which helps to generate future questions and guide further actions.

What is reflection?


This cycle often repeats itself in action research, as reflection leads to new questions and further actions.

What is a spiral of cycles?


When collecting personal information about students, teachers must ensure they comply with this important Canadian law.

What is the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act?


Teachers can use this method to collect data by having students respond to open-ended questions about their learning or opinions.

What are exit tickets?