they make tea in the kitchen
What is... the tea is made in the kitchen
The car was repaired by Sam.
What is...Sam repaired the car.
The passive voice is used if you don't know who preformed the action descried in the sentence.
What is... Correct.
"Sara has traveled to Dubai ." This is written in active voice.
What is... True.
We were invited by our neighbors to attend their party.
What is... Passive.
Sara returns the books to the library everyday
the books are returned to the library by Sara
the letter has ben written by Sarah.
Sarah has written the letter.
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"Sam's family was accepted by Justin's family." This is written in active voice.
What is.. False.
The painting was sold to someone who later donated it to the college.
What is.. Passive.
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A delicious dinner will be cooked by Sara
Sara will cook a delicious dinner.
The passive voice is used if you want to reveal who did the action.
What is... Incorrect: It is used when you DONT want to reveal who did the action.
"a cake is cooked by Ahmad." This is is passive voice.
What is... True.
Peter is going to build a house in summer.
What is... Active.
the company will build a new mall in riyadh
a new mall will be built in riyadh
A lot of gold is sold in Saudi Arabia by jewelers
Jewelers sell a lot of gold in Saudi Arabia.
(the documents have been signed ) is an active sentence
What is.. Incorrect:
"Daniel writes a letter " This is in passive voice.
What is... false.
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They canceled the meeting due to the weather.
The meeting was canceled due to the weather.”
The national anthem is played before every match.
they play The national anthem before every match.
"Sara walks to school." Can be put into active voice form.
What is... Incorrect: We do not know who preformed the action.
We have cooked dinner
What is... passive.