The Power of Hello
Run Hide Fight
Is it over?

Loitering around a particular area or department without a reasonable explanation

What is "Observe"?
*Staying vigilant of your surroundings*


This item should be silenced or turned off

What is a cell phone?
*Most personal cell phones now have TEXT capabilities to 911 and will automatically silence or prevent all incoming communication after text is sent. If texting 911 give your location of the emergency (including address) and the nature of the emergency*


If active shooter is in another building (Medical Arts, etc) , THIS method would be used to notify hospital employees and visitors

What is an overhead page?


Departments with higher risk of active shooter situations

What are the ED, OR, and BHU departments?


"Hi! Can I help you find something or someplace?"

What is "Initate a Hello"?
*Acknowledging a risk can significantly deter a threat*


Scissors, stapler, hot coffee, discharged fire extinguisher in the face, IV pole off a bed

What are Weapons of Opprotunity?


When Active Shooter notice is issued, it is to notify that assistance is needed in that area or building

*Overhead page is a notification to avoid said area or building and to prepare you to RUN HIDE FIGHT*


8 minutes

What is the average length of active shooter incident?


Visitor asking for employee information and/ or inappropriate questions regarding closing times, work schedule, number of employee, etc

What is "Navigate the Risk"?
*Judge the level of risk by asking if observed behavior is suspicious or not*


These indicate where fire extinguishers are located in the ACS unit

What are red ceiling flags?
*These flags say fire and have an extinguisher picture*


Fire alarms sound during an active shooter incident, you are supposed R.A.C.E.

*Do not respond to fire alarms unless you see fire or smell smoke*


Responsible for giving the all clear

Who is Law Enforcement?


What is happening?
Who is doing it?
Where is it taking place?
When did you obeserve it?
Why are they here?

What is "Obtain Help"?
*these 5 W's are key information that can help Law Enforcement when you obtain their help*


Dirty utilities, IV room, breakroom, patient/ staff bathrooms, and the supplies room all share what feature

What is a locking door?
*When unable to run, hiding in a room with locked door is best option. If unable to reach a locking room, barricade door with heavy furniture, turn off lights and phones, find potential weapons*


Define R.A.C.E

What is Rescue, Alert, Contain, Extinguish?


Department responsible for tracking the safety of MGMC staff who were able to run and get off campus

Who is First Nurse?


Ext. 2223

What is MGMC Security's phone number?


Everyday ACS items that can be an additional danger in an active shooter situation

What are glass patient room doors and Oxygen?


If person hiding with you is having a medical emergency, you need to call a Medical Alert page immediately

* This can alert shooter to your location. Also, ACT and Medical Alert teams will not respond until the danger has passed*


A signal to Law Enforcement that you are unarmed and fleeing the emergency situation

What are raised hands?
*Exit with your hands raised, do not yell or point, and run to the direction Law Enforcement came from unless otherwise instructed*