
What is ABN & ACN?

Australian Business Number

Australian Company Number


How many digit ABN & ACN has?

11 digits for ABN

9 digits for ACN


How many devices can be secured using McAfee when they connect with Business choice/choice plus plan?

Upto 20 devices


What is the cost of the professional installation?



What type of business can we do a market segment change?

Consumer to Business account for sole traders


When to offer Business Choice or Teams Plus (Subscription).

New Business customer

Existing customers on a subscription /automatic payment cycle


What is the first step you take to check if the address is serviceable for fixed?

SQ check on JARVIS


Can we provide M2M option for 4G home internet?

Yes, if cx has ABN/ACN(Business cx)


What is the cost of the Business Mobile Plus plan and Inclusions?

$55 per month

80GB data, unlimited calls and text, unlimited international calls and text to selected 35 countries.

$10 roaming pass


How many modems do we have for NBN?

Ultra Wifi Modem Gen1

Ultra Wifi Modem Gen 2

Ultra Wifi Booster Gen 2


What are the technology/Networks applicable for SuperFast & UltraFast NBN plan? 

FTTP & HFC(cable)


What are the mbps we have for a 5G satisfactory Guarantee?

40mbps & 50mbps


What is the max download & upload we have on 4G home internet?

25mbps & 5mbps


Can I provide a landline connection to the BYO plan?

No, you can’t add a phone service with the BYO modem option.


What is the landline plan we have?

$10 Optus Plus Everyday Extra (Along with NBN)

$55 Optus plus Phone Everyday


Which plan do you provide when cx technology upgrades from FTTN & FTTC to FTTP?

FTTN - 100/20mbps or higher

FTTC - 240mbps or higher


Documents that may be requested while credit check for business customer

Image of Primary & Secondary ID

Bank Statement within 3 months

Lease Agreement or deed


List of Widgets you will find on LP (At least 4)

Consumer Info


PDC / secure form

Conversation Cards (Carousel)

Page Navigation

Email Transcript

Conversation History



When cx has a Trust/Trustee account, how do we proceed?

Capture ACN and update it while processing the order.

If cx does not have active ACN, inform that the account will be switched to the consumer via CHOWN


Unauthorized website access like playing music, watching movies, accessing notepad, etc, which NNB class we will get?

NNB Class 1


List a probing questions for fixed

  • How many people in your home use the internet?
  • How many devices are connected at the same time?
  • What are your entertainment needs? Do you like to stream videos like Netflix, youtube, sports?
  • What streaming app platforms do you currently use?
  • Do you currently have any Wifi dead spots in your office? / Do you have areas in your home where you don't have strong signal strength? 

Types of NBN technology

FTTP (Fibre to the premises), FTTB (Fibre to the building/basement), FTTN (Fibre to the Node), FTTC (Fibre to the curb) and HFC(Cable)


What is the minimum & maximum discount you can get with Business Mobile Plus plan?

Min - 10% and Max - 34%

2SIM - 10%

3SIM - 20%

4-7SIM - 26%

8-11SIM- 30%

12+ - 34%


What is network coverage commitment on 4G?

Optus Coverage Commitment allows customers to cancel their Optus 4G Internet service if they are having coverage-related issues and Optus agrees that it is a coverage-related issue


Any practices leading to manipulation of metrics/data/performance, Which NNB class we will get?

NNB Class2