Who is our Prophet today?
President Russell M. Nelson
We are as the armies of...?
We'll Bring the World His Truth
What tree did Lehi see in his dream?
The tree of Life
What is the youngest age that you can get baptized?
8 years old
What holiday celebrates the birth of Jesus?
Who was the first prophet of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints?
Joseph Smith Jr.
Book of Mormon stories that my teacher tells to me are about...?
The Lamanites
Book of Mormon stories
Captain Moroni is famous for making the Title of...?
At what age can you start doing work inside the temple?
Age 11
True or False: Jesus appeared to the Nephites before his resurrection.
Which prophet put all the animals on the Ark?
Pray, He is there. Speak, he is...?
A Childs Prayer
Who stood on the wall and taught the Nephites that Christ would soon be born?
Samuel the Lamanite
What does CTR stand for?
Choose the Right
Who baptized Jesus Christ?
John the Baptist
Which prophet delivered the Israelites out of Egypt?
I'll have faith like Brother Joseph and the strength of...?
The Pioneers
I Will Be What I Believe - Blake Gillette
Who saw the finger of God touch the stones to give them light?
The Brother of Jared
What do we take every Sunday to remind us of and to renew our baptismal covenants?
The Sacrament
Jesus died on the cross to save us. Because of Him, we are able to repent of our sins. This is called...?
The Atonement
Which prophet was swallowed by a whale when he tried to avoid God's call to serve?
I will find my own....?
Sacred Grove
My Own Sacred Grove - Angie Killian
What tool was given to Lehi to help guide them to the Land of Promise?
The Liahona
What is the first Article of Faith?
We believe in God, the Eternal Father, and in His Son Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost.
Jesus was accidentally left behind on a trip to Jerusalem because He was teaching in the temple. How old was he?
12 years old