Peter’s Journey
Vision and Dreams
Acts of Faith

He was a centurion in the Italian Regiment.

What was Cornelius' position in the Roman army


In Joppa, at the house of Simon the tanner.

Where was Peter staying when Cornelius’ men were sent to find him?


 A sheet coming down from heaven with all kinds of animals, reptiles, and birds.

What unusual vision did Peter see while praying?


He fell at Peter's feet in reverence.

How did Cornelius react when Peter arrived at his house?


He was devout and God-fearing, and he gave generously to those in need.

What was Cornelius known for in his community?


He was praying on the rooftop.

What was Peter doing when he received his vision?


Three times.

How many times did Peter see the vision?
Three times.


He wanted them to hear the message from Peter.

Why did Cornelius gather his family and close friends before Peter arrived?


He prayed to God regularly.

What did Cornelius do regularly that caught God's attention?


He went with Cornelius’ men without hesitation.

What did Peter do after receiving the message from the Holy Spirit?


"Do not call anything impure that God has made clean."

What did the voice in Peter’s vision tell him?


He explained that it was unlawful for a Jew to associate with or visit a Gentile, but God showed him not to call anyone impure or unclean.

How did Peter begin speaking to Cornelius and his household?


Send men to Joppa to bring back Simon Peter.

What did the angel tell Cornelius to do after his prayers were heard?


He understood that God does not show favoritism and accepts people from every nation.

How did Peter interpret the vision after meeting Cornelius?