This is the city Saul was traveling to when he was blinded
What is Damascus
I am the one who preach to Simon the Sorcerer
Who is Philip
I told Philip to go south along the road toward Gaza
What is an Angel of the Lord
The sound from Heaven sounded similar to this
What is a rushing mighty wind
This is the number of things said about Cornelious in Verses 1 and 2
What is 8
This is another phase for conversion
What is to turn
This man was murdered in front of Saul
Who is Stephen
This is the city in which Simon performed his magic
What is Samaria
The Eunuch had great authority under my reign
Who is Queen Candace
I was the main speaker for the Day of Pentecost
Who is Peter
This is the city you will find Cornelius and his family
What is Caesarea
Jesus says we should be converted to be like these
What are little children
This is what Saul was doing while Stephen was being stoned
What is watching the coats of the stoners
The people of Samaria believed my power from from Him
Who is God
The chapter of the bible that the Eunuch was reading in his chariot
What is Isaiah 53
Pentecost was one of how many pilgrimages Jews had to take to Jerusalem each year
What are 3 times
What is fell at his feet and worshipped him
Jesus said that the apostles would be witnesses of Him in Jerusalem and in these two areas as well
What are Judea and Samaria
This was Jesus' promise to Paul in Acts 18, the same promise he made to all the apostles in Matt 28:20.
What is "I am with you"
These are the 3 acts of salvation seen in the conversion of Simon
What are hearing, believed and basptism
The first thing that Philip Said to the Eunuch
What is "Do you understand what you are reading?"
Pentecost is the end of this season in Jewish law
What is Passover
Cornelius invited us to his house to hear Peter preach
Who are his relatives and close friends
These are the 6 acts of Salvation
What are Hear, believe, repent, confess, be baptized, and continue steadfast
This is the modern day Country where Tarsus was located
What is Turkey
Simon was willing to do this, in order to recieve the same ability that the apostles had
What is pay money
This is how the Eunuch responded when Philip said, "If you believe with all your heart you may"
What is I believe with all my heart
Acts 2:38 says this...
Then Peter said to them, repent and let everyone of you be baptized for the remission of your sins, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit
This is how many days it took for Peter to come to Cornelius
What is 4 days
This person has been your favorite teacher this quarter
Who is Katie
I am the magician that Paul confronts in Acts ch 13
Who is Elymas
This is what Philip told Simon he had to do for his heart
What is repent
Philip ended up here when he was taken away from the Eunuch
What is Azotus
This is the Hebrew word for Pentecost
What is Shavuot
This was the lesson Paul had to learn from his vision
What is that the gospel was for all men
this is the Latin verb meaning "to turn"
What is Vertere