Causitive agents of imetigo? (2)
Which protein synthesis inhibitors target 30S (2) and 50S (1)
30S - tetracyclines and aminoglycosides
50S - Macrolides
Describe different types of hemolyis
A - partial
B - complete
gamma - none
What is a fever?
Most common skin infection in children
Scarlet fever causitive organism and 2 key findings?
Strep pyogenes
snadpaper skin and strawberry tongue
Beta lactams (penicillins, cephalosporins, carbapenems, and monobactams)
Cell membrane (amphotericin, Ketoconazole)
Differential - contains growth substrate along with indicator system that will show utilization of said substate (allows for differentiation of bacteria bsed on given criteria like utilization of carbohydrate source)
Usually due to infected mother, presents with conjuctivitis and then develops into pneumonia. 5-14 dyas after delivery. Pneumonia can present between 4-8 weeks of age. Elevated Eosinophil count on CBC but WBCs are normal range
Which skin lesion is flat and <1cm
Characteristic of Erysipelas (superficial cellulitis)?
Explain the difference between UMN and LMN lesions of the facial nerve and the associated findings
UMN - contralateral facial weakness with forehead sparing (Stroke)
LMN - complete ipsilateral hemifacial paralysis (Bell's palsy)
Tennis elbow vs golfers elbow?
Tennis - lateral epicondylitis - excessive wrist extension
Golfer - medial epicondylitis - excessive wrist flexion
What to do if kid with access line presents with fever?
Examine for other possible sources, if none found, assume it's the line and treat with antibiotics. Likely will pull the line and send it to lab for testing
5 year old presents with discrete 2-5mm papules...what is the most likely condition/caustivive organism
Molluscum contagiosum - poxvirus
What is Nikolsky's sign and what condition is it associated with?
superficial rash that turns into blistering skin with peeling when rubbed - staph scalded skin syndrome
Brow - frontalis m.
Upper lid - oculomotor n. lesion or damage to levator palpebrae superioris
Name all 4 tests for glenohumeral joint
1 - painful arch test - subacromial shoulder impingement
2 - drop arm test - supraspinatus/infraspinatus tear
3 - apphreahension test - glenohumeral stability
4 - full can test - subacromial impingement (supraspinatus tendon)
How do UTIs often present in little kiddos?
Constipation can lead to UTIs. Kids under 2 years old often can't localize/verbalize pain and will just present with fever. Bag specimens suck unless completely negative. Use oral antibiotics
What medication can result in Reye's syndrome?
What are the 3 C's of measles
Coryza, barking cough, conjunctivitis
Koplik's spots
Indications for Penicillins
Gram positive - Streptococci (s. pneumoniae, s. pyogenes), actinomycosis (actinomyces), Gas gangrene (clostridium perfringens)
Atypical - Syphilis (treponema pallidum)
Gram negative - Nisseria meningitidis
Name all components of the Spencer Technique
Prep with milking/figure 8
1 - Elbow flexed - extend/flex at shoulder
2 - elbow extended - extend/flex at shoulder
3 - elbow flexed - abducted circumduction
4 - elbow extended - abducted circumduction
5 - elbow flexed (grab forearm) - external rotation/adduction
6 - elbow flexed - abduction/internal rotation
7 - stretching/cool down
What are 4 different presentations of HSV outside neonatal period?
Herpes Gladiatorum
Herpetic Whitlow
Herpes Labialis
Herpes Gingivostomatitis
1st line oral treatment for group A beta-hemolytic strep infection?