Who is the Saint of all Saints?
Mother Mary
What is the name of Armenian flatbread?
What is the first sacrament a Christian receives?
What is the national instrument?
What feast celebrates Jesus’ resurrection?
Who is the patron saint of Armenia?
St. Gregory the Illuminator
What is the Armenian name for jezveh?
How many sacraments are there in the Catholic Church?
Who were the two Roman women martyred by King Drtad III?
St. Hripsime and St. Cayane
What feast celebrates the Immaculate Conception of Mary, meaning she was conceived without original sin?
Feast of the Immaculate Conception
Which Armenian saint is famous for resisting Persian rule and leading a rebellion in 451 AD?
St. Vartan Mamigonian
What is the famous Armenian cured meat, seasoned with fenugreek and garlic?
What sacrament forgives sins when confessed to a priest?
Reconciliation / Confession
Roughly how old is Armenia? (from its first kingdom)
About 2900 years old. Kingdom of Urartu existed from approximately 860 BCE to 590 BCE
Which Armenian feast is celebrated with the blessing of grapes?
Assumption of Mary – Verapokhoum
Who was the first Christian martyr, stoned to death for preaching?
St. Stephan
What is the Armenian food famously made by Urfa-tsi's?
Which sacrament do you receive before getting married?
What Armenian king ruled the largest Armenian Empire in history, stretching from the Caspian Sea to the Mediterranean?
Tigran the Great
What feast happens 40 days after Easter to commemorate Christ’s Ascension?
Hambartsum – Ascension Day
What ethnicity was St. Gregory the Illuminator?
What holiday dish is made with wheat, dried fruit, and nuts and served at Christmas?
Anoushabour – Armenian Christmas pudding
Which three sacraments can be received only once in a lifetime?
Baptism, Confirmation, and Holy Orders
What treaty in 1921 divided historic Armenian lands between Turkey and the Soviet Union?
Treaty of Kars
The Solemnity of Christ the King, celebrated in November, was instituted by which pope to reaffirm Christ’s authority over all nations?
Pope Pius XI in 1925