Abu-Lughod argued these merchants were actually on the periphery of medieval trade.
Who are European merchants? ["Abu-Lughod Medieval World-System"]
This Chinese city was considered the world's finest by Marco Polo.
What is Hangzhou? ["Song Dynasty China"]
This was China's source of legitimate political authority.
What is the Mandate of Heaven? [Sapiens]
This was used as currency across Asia and Africa for 4,000 years.
What are cowry shells? [Sapiens]
According to Marco Polo, Hangzhou's markets handled this many daily visitors.
What is 40,000-50,000 people? ["Song Dynasty China"]
Abu-Lughod identified these as major centers of medieval world trade.
What are Middle Eastern/Asian cities?["Abu-Lughod Medieval World-System"]
According to Abu-Lughod, a world system could have this many power centers.
What is multiple/many centers? [Abu-Lughod]
Hangzhou's marketplace specialized in these goods Marco Polo praised.
What are fresh foods/spices/crafts? ["Song Dynasty China"]
This ancient empire's coins were accepted for trade in India despite the distance
What is Rome? [Sapiens]
Both Roman and Chinese cities required this for urban administration.
What is standardization/bureaucracy? [Sapiens,"Abu-Lughod Medieval World-System"]
The Song Dynasty, like Rome, maintained power through this innovation.
What is standardized currency/administration? [Sapiens, Song Dynasty China]
Abu-Lughod described this system as connecting multiple economic zones.
What is the medieval world system? [Abu-Lughod]
All three systems relied on these people to connect different trade regions.
Who are merchants/traders? [all three sources]
These social organizations in Hangzhou included poetry, fitness, and music groups.
What are clubs/societies? ["Song Dynasty China"]
Both medieval and ancient systems required this for long-distance trade.
What is trust/mutual belief in value? [all three sources]
This technology revolutionized both ancient and medieval trade.
What is standardized currency/coinage? [Sapiens, "Song Dynasty China"]
These three groups - agricultural states, nomads, and seafarers - characterized trade in both ancient and medieval periods
What are the main trading groups in world systems? [Sapiens & Abu-Lughod]
This process happened in both ancient and medieval cities as cultures mixed.
What is cultural hybridization/assimilation? [Sapiens, Abu-Lughod]
This process allowed empires and trade systems to span cultural boundaries.
What is cultural adaptation/integration? [Sapiens, Abu-Lughod]
All three systems relied on this to facilitate trade across cultures.
What is a common medium of exchange/trusted currency? [all three sources]
This characteristic was shared by successful ancient empires, Song Dynasty China, and Abu-Lughod's medieval world system, allowing them to thrive across cultural boundaries
What is adaptability/flexibility in dealing with cultural differences? [all three sources]