Decision making
Saying sorry
I statements
Identify impulsive behavior & consequence

Deciding what to make for dinner

Mom is in charge of this


You decided to play a game on your computer and missed doing your homework

Say sorry to your teacher and accept the consequence they issue


You see someone who slipped on the ice while walking into school. You are late to homeroom so you just walk by them. Later that day, they ask you why you didn't at least help them up.

"Hey, I'm sorry for laughing earlier when you fell, I should have helped you up. I get nervous sometimes and laugh, I feel bad. Are you okay? will you accept my apology?"


You worked really hard selling greeting cards as part of a school fundraiser. You collected cash and checks. Your friend asked you if she can borrow $20 from it, and said she would pay you back the next day. It's been over a week and she isn't responding to your texts and is ignoring you in school when you ask for the money back. 

Yes ("I feel upset/annoyed/frustrated that you aren't responding to me about the money you borrowed. Could you please return it back?")

You think you won't be able to stay away from your Play station that you got banned from for not listening so you go upstairs and do some coloring to get away from it. 



Deciding which lunch option to get at school

I can decide this


Young copied your friends homework and she found out. Now she is upset and doesn't want to have anymore study groups with you.

"I'm sorry for copying your homework answers. It was wrong of me and I hope you can forgive me."


You forgot to bring your friend a Valentine's day card you promised to make her. 

"Hey sorry I forgot the card I made you, do you mind if I bring it in tomorrow?"


A classmate who follows you on social media has started sending you hateful messages because there was a misunderstanding at school. 

No (inform mom or a social official)


You download an inappropriate app.

Impulsive/mom will get upset and your iPad will get taken away


Deciding to go to movies with friends

I have to ask my mom about this


Mom found out you lied to her and were with your crush and not at your friend's house like you told her you would be.

"I'm sorry that I lied to you. It was wrong and I won't do it again."


You laugh when someone calls one of your friends boy crazy. 

"Hey, I'm sorry for laughing earlier when ____ said that about you. I know that wasn't kind of me to do and I don't think you are boy crazy, do you accept my apology?" 


You met a new friend in math class, and he gave you his phone number. You texted him 5 times in a row when you got him, but he hasn't responded.

No (you need to give people time to respond/he may be busy or unavailable to talk)


You want to go to an afterschool event with friends. You sign up and put "attending" before you check in and ask mom if it is okay. 

Impulsive/you didn't check in first- this could make mom upset.


You want to audition for the school play, but auditions happen at the same time you have a doctors appointment.

Mom can decide if the appointment can be changed


You lied about getting a good grade on a math test, your teacher emails your mom to let her know you did poorly and may need to retake the test.

"I'm sorry for lying about my grade mom, I didn't want you to get upset with me. I know that wasn't a good choice. Do you think you could help me study?"


You started to sit with a new group of friends at lunch because you heard a rumor about the girl you used to sit with. You see her crying at lunch and telling the teacher she is lonely. The teacher asks you if you would mind sitting with her at lunch today to cheer her up.

"I'm sorry for switching my seat, I know what it's like to feel lonely"


Your classmate started a rumor about you and your best friend. Your best friend thinks you started the rumor and will no longer respond to your texts. 

Yes ("I feel upset/frustrated/sad that you won't talk to me, I did not start a rumor about you")


Your new friend calls and invites you to go to a concert next weekend, you agree to go. When you ask your mom, she says that you have a to go to a family reunion. 

Yes/mom will get upset that you agreed to go without first asking her. 


You want to go see a new movie with your friends, but the movie is rated R. You are not old enough for a rated R movie.

Mom needs to decide this.


You skipped school to see a movie your mom told you not to see. Mom and the school found out you skipped.

Accept the consequence both mom and school give you.


You fell asleep after school and forgot to meet your friend at the movies. Your friend sends you multiple texts asking you where you are.

"I'm really sorry I fell asleep, I didn't mean to not show up. Can we pick a different day to go?"


Your friend has forgotten her lunch 3 times this week, and you have shared yours with her everyday. You are starting to get hungry after lunch from giving your food away. 

Yes "I feel hungry after lunch because I've been sharing with you a lot this week, maybe we can talk to the teacher about getting you free lunch?"


Mom is talking to the mailman while you wait in the car, you honk the horn at her.

Impulsive/mom will get upset with you and probably tell you that was very rude