what is the opposite of -3
what is the absolute value of -1380
What are whole numbers greater then 1, that only have 2 factors
Prime numbers
What is the number that divide evenly into a given number
what is 0.90 as a percent
What are numbers less than zero
negative numbers
what would l-1l be as its absolute value
What are numbers that have more than 2 factors
Composite numbers
What is the greatest common factor of 16 and 12
what is something that can be made my dividing 2 integers
Rational numbers
What is the set of all whole numbers and their opposites
what will your answer be if you number starts with a negative sign
it will be a positive number
Would 23 be a prime or composite number
what is the least number, other than zero, that is a multiple of two or more numbers
least common factor
Arrange -8 degrees, 6 degrees, -4 degrees, and 9 degrees from least to greatest
-8, -4, 6, 9
What would -10 be as its opposite
what number is bigger -9.7 or -11
Would 16 be a prime or composite numbers
composite number
what is the least common multiple of 4 and 6
58% as a decimal
what are numbers greater than zero
what is the numbers distance from zero but on the other side
Absolute value
Is 64 a prime or composite number
composite number
what is the greatest common factor of 64 and 80
put these in order -79, 90, -8, and 69 least to greatest
-79,-8, 69, and 90