Who was John Adams' Vice President?
Which political party did Jefferson represent?
Democratic-Republicans; favored Agriculture/farming and small government
Which two European countries were at war in 1800?
France and Great Britain
Which direction was the United States expanding in the 1800s?
(North, South, East, or West?)
Washington's Farewell Address warned against what?
-Political Parties
-Foreign Alliances
Wanted us to stay NEUTRAL
Which political party did Adams belong to?
Which country did Jefferson's political party favor?
Democratic-Republicans favored the French
What is the term for U.S. foreign policy of neutrality and staying out of foreign affairs? (Est. by Washington)
How did the U.S. acquire lands West of the Mississippi River?
Purchased from France, the Louisiana Purchase!
What did the case Marbury v. Madison establish?
Judicial Review - the Supreme Court may declare laws unconstitutional
Which unpopular laws did Adams help pass?
Alien and Sedition Acts
Which Election was considered a Revolution? Why?
Election of 1800 was a "revolution" because it saw the peaceful transfer of power between Political Parties (Federalists -> Democratic Republicans)
What were Barbary Pirates demanding in order to stop attacking U.S. ships?
Which president purchased the Louisiana Territory from France?
Thomas Jefferson
In 1796 how was the Vice President chosen?
Whoever won 2nd place. In this case, Jefferson became Adams' Vice President.
What was the term for the French diplomats/spies trying to make the U.S. pay a bribe?
XYZ Affair
What is Jefferson's greatest legacy?
Doubling the size of the country through the Louisiana Purchase
Which term means a ban on trade?
Which explorers mapped the Louisiana Purchase territory?
Lewis and Clark
How are POTUS and VP elected today? - Which amendment changed this?
12th Amendment, President and Vice President chosen separately
What did the XYZ Affair lead to with France? (hint: UNOFFICIAL war)
Quasi War
The Embargo Act which banned trade and only hurt the U.S. instead of France and Britain
What is the term for kidnapping sailors and forcing them to work for the British navy?
Which Native American woman helped the explorers with translations, resources, etc?
What is the term for invalidating or ignoring a law? (Hint: Virginia and Kentucky did this to the Alien and Sedition Acts)