This is when animals like bears or bats sleep for a long time during the winter to save energy when food is hard to find.
Frogs have a long, sticky tongue to catch insects quickly. It can flick its tongue out super fast to grab food!
This animal has a hump on its back to store water, and it can survive in very hot and dry places like deserts.
This flower has sharp thorns on its leaves and stems to protect itself from animals that might want to eat it.
Some animals, like birds and butterflies, travel long distances to find better weather and food. This helps them survive when things get tough in one place.
Polar Bears have thick fur to keep warm in the cold, snowy winters of the Arctic. It also has big paws that help it walk on snow.
This animal has webbed feet that help it swim in water, and it can also fly. It quacks to communicate with others!
This tree has long, flexible stems that let it bend and sway in the wind without breaking, helping it survive in windy places. Its' seeds are also coconuts.
Some animals, like the stick bug or a harmless snake, look like something else to trick predators into thinking they are dangerous or hard to eat.
Owls are nocturnal, meaning it is awake at night and sleeps during the day. It uses its sharp hearing and sense of smell to hunt for food in the dark.
This animal has a strong, smelly spray it uses to protect itself from danger. It has black and white fur that helps it blend into the night.
This flower has yellow petals to attract bees and other insects, which help it pollinate and grow new seeds.
This adaptation helps animals survive by giving them a unique body, like a cheetah's long legs for running fast or an elephant's trunk for picking up food.
Specialized Body Parts
Honeybees use a special dance to tell other members of its group where to find food. The faster and more wiggly the dance, the farther the food is!
This animal has thick fur and hibernates in the winter to stay warm and save energy when food is hard to find.
This plant has spines instead of leaves, which help it keep water inside and protect it from animals looking for a snack.
Animals like owls and raccoons are awake at night to hunt, find food, and stay safe from predators. They are best suited for living in the dark.
Noctural Behavior
Peacocks have bright, colorful feathers that help it attract a mate. It also has strong wings that allow it to fly and escape from predators.
This animal has special wings that let it fly at night, and it uses echo sounds to find food in the dark.
This plant has special leaves that act like jaws! It "snaps" shut to catch insects for food, using them to get nutrients.
Venus Fly Trap