Fact or Opinion
Main Idea

coloring that helps to hide an animal

What is camouflage?


What would happen if an artic fox was brown instead of white?

A hungry predator could spot it in the snow.


Fact or Opinion: All living things make adaptations.

Fact- Adapations allow animals to survive.


 "Adaptations for Climate" Give an example of a climate adaptation.

Plants and animals adapt to the climate where they live in order to survive.

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When an animal becomes inactive, with slower body functions. Usually during the winter months.

What is hibernation?


What would happen to a polar bear if it lived in the pasture in Bells?

It would not fit in because polar bears are white to blend in with the snow. It could be easily hunted by hungry predators.


Fact or Opinion: Hibernation is an adaptation.

Fact- Some animals would not be able to survive the harsh winter months without the adaptation of hibernation.


 "Adaptations to Find and Eat Food." Give an example of finding and or eating food.

Animals must use adapations to find and eat food in their ecosystems.


Why does a jackrabbit have large ears?

The large ears help the rabbit's body release heat into the air.


When animals move south for the winter and then return north in the spring.

What is migration?


What adaptations do humans make to live in Bells, Texas?

Humans wear warmer clothes in the fall and winter. Lighter clothes in spring and summer. Homes with air conditioning and heat.


Fact or Opinion: Butterflies are very pretty to look at which probably keeps many safe from predators.

Opinion- Coloring is an adaptation, but stating they are pretty is an opinion.


 "Adapations to Escape from or Fight Predators"

Animals use many adaptations to keep them safe from predators such as minicry and camouflage. Unpleasant smells, and body parts also help animals escape.


What does a waxy surface on a plant help the plant to do?

The waxy surface helps slow water evaporation or loss of water.


Changes in order for a plant or animal to fit a certain purpose.

What is adaptation?


Why are bears not true hibernators?

Their bodies slow down, but they have to wake up sometimes to eat.


Fact or Opinion: Birds migrate because they are too lazy to find food during the winter.

Opinion- You cannot prove laziness in birds.


 "Adaptations to Reproduce?"

Plants and animals have adaptations to reproduce which keeps the species alive in their ecosystems.


Could a penguin live in your backyard in Bells, Texas? Why or why not?

The penguin does not have the proper adaptations to allow it to survive. It does not have the necessary food or body to keep it cool in the hot summer months. Also predators might be able to get it as it cannot blend into our environment.


Behavior that copies another animal or insect

What is mimicry?


Why do different kinds of birds need different kinds of beaks?

For example a pelican has a large bowl-like beak and a sparrow has a short, sharp beak.They need different beaks because their diets are different depending on where they live.


Fact or Opinion: Mrs. Rolen is the most amazing teacher in the world!

Opinion- Although you should think that, it is not something that can be proven.


 "Adaptations to Survive" Give and example.

The main idea is that all living things must make adaptations to survive in their environment.


Name a predator that a mouse might have.

Mice are eaten by a wide variety of small predators such as cats, foxes, weasels, ferrets, mongooses, large lizards, snakes, hawks, falcons, and owls.