touch your mouth
Ağzına dokun
Do you jump?
Yes, I do
three pink pencils
üç pembe kalem
how many pencils are there?
orada kaç tane kalem var?
sit down
Touch your ear
Kulağına dokun
skipping rope
ip atlama
five green crayons
beş yeşil boya kalemi
two rulers
iki cetvel
close your book
kitabını kapat
Hair and nose
saç ve burun
I like orange and yellow
turuncu ve sarıyı severim
five school bags
beş okul çantası
Turn right
sağa dön
Hands and fingers
eller ve parmaklar
Let's kick the ball
Hadi topa tepelim
What color is it?
Bu ne renk?
How many crayons are there? ( answer)
There are ten crayons
open the window
pencereyi aç
legs and knees
bacaklar ve dizler
Let's play hide and seek
hadi saklambaç oynayalım
It is a blue notebook
bu bir mavi defter
How old are you? ( answer)
I'm seven years old
draw and color
çiz ve boya