Twelve Step
Substance Use
Drugs and the Brain

Feelings, individuals, smells or situations that cause your brain to crave substances; if you are unaware of them, they could be a factor for relapse.

What is Trigger


Uncontrollable cravings loss of control, use despite negative consequences, chronic and biological brain disease.

What is Addiction


What is the step that is written and begins to uncover the root cause of one's drinking and drug use?

What is Step Four: Made a searching and fearless inventory or ourselves.


What is it called when a person suffers from at least 2 different substances?

Polysubstance Dependence


This is known as a return to drug use after an attempt to stop

What is Relapse


Slogans in recovery.  This is to remind us to stay in the moment and not worry about past or future.

____  _____ at a time.

What is "One Day"


Name 1 of the 2 main risk factors for someone to develop addiction.

1.  Genetics

2.  Environment


Humility is not thinking less of yourself, it's thinking of yourself less. Humility is the core concept of this step.

What is Step Seven: Humbly ask Him to remove our shortcomings.


This is the most commonly used, illicit substance in the U.S. 

What is Marijuana


Science now believes that the human brain is developed at this age. 

What is 25


Recovery slogan.  This is to remind us not to focus on what something could or should be.

___ not perfection.

what is "Progress"


Drug addiction can:

A) Cause mental health issues

B) Develop because of pre-existing mental health issues

C) Does not effect mental health

D) A and B

what is D


This step reduces guilt and shame over the past and starts to liberate you from its power. Provides relief from anxiety and ego and commences the cleansing process.  This step is shared with someone you trust, such as a sponsor.

What is Step Five: Admitted to God, to ourselves, and to another human being the exact nature of wrongs.


Name 2 characteristics of Addiction

**Characteristics is a feature or quality

1. Depression

2. Anxiety  

3. Continues to use despite negative consequences 

4. Lack of impulse control


Your body makes this and your nervous system uses it to send messages between nerve cells.  This plays a factor in substance use disorder tolerance.

What is Dopamine 


What we use to try to deal with difficult situations or events that occur in our lives.

What is Coping Skills


What is a short term health affect from substance use disorder?

A.  Mental Illness

C. Problem Solving

D.  Liver Disease

E.  Brian Disease

What is C.


What step has you take a daily inventory and has you practice spiritual principles of perseverance.

What is Step Ten:  Continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong promptly admitted it.


The most commonly consumed psychoactive substance on earth

What is Caffeine


This area of the brain impacts judgement, impulse control and motor functions

What is the Frontal Lobes/ Prefrontal Cortex


The percent of the 21 million Americans who struggle with addiction who actually get treatment?

What is 10%


Addictive drugs provide a shortcut to this part of the brain, by flooding the nucleus accumbens with dopamine.

What is Reward Center

**The nucleus accumbens is an area found in the center of the brain, that is strongly associated with motivation and reward


Good judgement, a careful sense of timing, courage and prudence - these are the qualities we shall need when we take this step.

What is Step Nine - Make direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others.


This is what it's called when it takes more and more of the same substance to get high/drunk

What is Tolerance


This is the name for a brain cell

What is Neuron