Addiction is a chronic and progressive brain...
This program includes a set of guiding principles outlining a course of action for recovery from addiction
12 Step program/AA/NA
These mental health disorders may occur alongside addiction and are often thought to be the root of an addiction starting...
Co-occurring disorders
You cannot stay sober simply by not using. It is also important to take care of your physical and mental well-being. This is known as...
practicing self care
In order to stay sober I should avoid these 3 triggers...
people, places, and things
This age group is at the greatest risk of developing an addiction
This support group is based on the 12 step program and helps to educate family members who have loved ones in active addiction or recovery
Al Anon
Even if I do not act the way I had hoped to in the moment, my feelings are always..
This form of self care involves practicing awareness of the present moment you are in
Certain scenarios may increase likelihood that cravings or desire to use present. These are known as...
These emotional and physical symptoms show up after initial withdrawal symptoms fade, but may continue for up to 2 years after last use.
If my old friends or dealer attempt to contact me, I should..
Block their number and ignore them
This life experience is often called the gateway to addiction
You don't need to practice a religion or believe in God to be successful in recovery, but you probably need a belief in...
A higher power greater than oneself
Playing the tape through is an example of using...
a coping skill
40-60 percent of this contributes to the likelihood of developing an addiction
If my family members are willing to understand my addiction, that is not enough to be my sober support system. I also need...
Other peers in recovery themselves
Sleep trouble, moody, headache, irritable, and difficulty concentrating could be signs of feeling
Overwhelmed or stressed
Telling oneself over and over that you are capable or able is known as practicing what?
Positive affirmations
In order to prepare for unexpected events in the future, I should have a list of coping skills known as my
This neurotransmitter affects one's mood and is greatly affected by substances such as alcohol and stimulants
This free app is available on your phone and helps link you to virtual and in-person meetings in your area
Meeting Guide
Safety awareness, increased productivity, and sharpening the mind are some examples of this type of stress
"Positive stress"
Balance in these 5 areas of my life are more likely to lead to continued sobriety.
Recovery efforts, relationships, physical health, mental health, work/life/school balance
My relapse prevention plan should include these 3 things...
coping skills, sober contacts, motivation for continued sobriety