Addiction Facts
Loss of a Star
Coping Skills

_____________ is the pleasure chemical in our brains that plays a major role in substance abuse and addiction

What is dopamine


Guilt is feeling bad about something you've done. _______ is feeling bad about who you are.

What is shame


This young rapper died due to an accidental fentanyl September 7th, 2018. 

Who is Mac Miller


The practice of taking an active role in regularly doing things that improve your well-being and happiness, in particular during periods of stress

What is self care


Social, environmental, or emotional situations that remind people in recovery of their past drug/alcohol use

What are triggers


This medication is used for emergency treatment of known or suspected opioid overdose 

What is Narcan


This state of mind can be fatal for recovery! It's characterized by being too comfortable or not feeling motivated to continue doing the work

What is complacency


Singer of one of the most popular grunge bands in the 1990's; died at 27; addicted to heroin

Who is Kurt Cobain


Daily double! 

A mental state achieved by focusing one's awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting one's feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations, used as a therapeutic technique.

What is mindfulness


Behavior that supports or allows an addicted individual to continue their addictive patterns by minimizing consequences or facilitating access to the substance or behavior

What is enabling


The co-occurrence of a substance use disorder and a mental health disorder in an individual, often requiring integrated treatment.

What is dual diagnosis 


What percentage of individuals relapse following addiction treatment?

Several studies have shown relapse rates ranging from 65% to 70% in the 90-day period following treatment


A famous female singer that died 2011 from alcohol poisoning is

Who is Amy Winehouse


What does H.A.L.T stand for

What is hungry, angry, lonely, tired


A common phrase repeated in AA/NA as an important part of recovery. It is not just a common encouragement, it holds great meaning representing the gratitude an individual feels about their sobriety, and the importance of it presently.

What is "One Day at a Time"


Daily double!

The way addiction is categorized by the medical community.

What is the disease model


When is the most common time someone experiences a relapse?

Within the first 30 days


This iconic musician is one of the top earning deceased celebrities today, still earning over 50 million/year for his music despite dying from complications of prescription drug addiction in 1977

Who is Elvis Presley


Two things that work alongside each other in substance use treatment.

What is therapy and medications


In recovery, I need to consider avoiding old ____________, _____________, and ________________.

What are people, places, and things

The 5 stages of change

What is precontemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, and maintenance.


Explain the concept of "euphoric recall" in addiction recovery and how it relates to triggers and warning signs.

"Euphoric recall" refers to the selective memory of the positive or pleasurable aspects of past substance use, rather than the negative consequences.  It can romanticize or glamorize the idea of using again. 


John Belushi was a legendary actor and comedian; overdosed and died from mixing cocaine and heroin in 1982. He was on the original lineup of what longstanding TV show

What is Saturday Night Live


A document that details how you will continue your recovery after you graduate treatment, and how you will avoid triggers and relapse

What is a relapse prevention plan


What is a "pink cloud" in the context of recovery?

A phase where individuals feel euphoric and overly optimistic about recovery, often followed by challenges.